In honor of our favorite actor's big day on August 22nd...
Happy Birthday, our dear Richie-poo!
This limerick round-up is for you.
Enjoy your next year,
we wish you good cheer,
please keep doin' that great acting you do!
An Armitage from Leicester named Richard,
crafts characters quite cracking and myriad.
When he faffs with his hair,you know someone else is there
whilst his stubble resembles the Iliad.
~by pi
There once was a man named Harry,
who got stuck with me in the library.
It was a dark stormy night,
Harry didn't put up a fight,
and now I'M the Vicar of Dibley!
~by tyme4t
The handsome and brooding John Thornton,
much adored by the ladies of Milton,
cared little for tail,
bar the lovely Miss Hale,
who eventually became Mrs. Thornton.
~by anonymous1
There once was a Guy so abhorred,
who wielded a bodacious big sword.
Marian he tickled
but she was so fickle,
a bodkin was her only reward.
~by pi
A flirty-girty life guard called Lee
taught water aerobics, you see.
When he flung off his clothes,
His snug Speedos to expose,
the women all swooned, especially me!
~by MillyMe
There was a girl who didn't want the guy.
We all ask the big question: "Why?"
But she said, "Please say no more!"
and he went home to his mother to cry.
~by AlfieLucas, eyes so blue and so serious,
the thought of him makes me delirious!
From Russia , tortured and gaunt,
and Miss Caulfield came to flaunt,
while he is so deep, dark, and mysterious.
~by Myra
There once was a black knight named Guy,
who caught the attention of many a maidens’ eye.
But only one did he want for a wife,
and she caused him no end of strife,
yet he was loyal to her ‘til the day he died.
~by Mulubinba
He says many things he really should not:
"Handy with a screwdriver, how can that be hot?"
"I'm gangly and tall,"
"My nose is not small."
Pants-throwers among us just take your shot!
~by anonymous2
There once was a man clad in camo,
who carried around lots of ammo.
You better beware,
if he's tied to a chair,
the ladies will fall out of theirs, blam-o!
There was a young man named JT,
who told his love, "Look back at me."
His brooding was the price,
for a scene so nice
and fitting of Stanislavski.
~by RAFrenzy
In rags or in jeans or a tux,
RA looks like a million hot bucks!
That lovely dark hair,
that blue piercing stare,
I'll take one please, and make him deluxe!
There once was a man from the west.
As an actor, to me he's the best!
I first saw him in Robin Hood,
though dear old Guy was not good,
I still enjoyed the RA fest!
~by Layla Rose
Lucas North came in from the cold.
His future is uncertain we're told.
But I can’t bear the thought,
for him to be naught,
on "Spooks" where his secrets unfold.
~by RAFrenzy
Upon hearing that Richard Armitage will be heading
to Los Angeles to seek fame and fortune~
Don’t leave for LA -- there are quakes,
fake boobs and the agents are snakes.
Though I am married (just a little)
and not model thin (have a middle)
when I see you the earth truly shakes.
~by anonymous4
How I love a man in a top hat!
Sideburns, looking dashing at that.
Add a furrowing brow,
all the brooding to allow,
and my heart will stop, seconds flat.
~by anonymous5
There once was a fellow named Guy,
who wore leather and was easy on the eye.
One sad day he died,
and I broke down and cried;
to this day, I still call it a lie.
~by Zyradustorm
Can anyone possibly look better
than Harry in his striped, fuzzy sweater?
I'd never dismiss
a payment to kiss
with tongue-- after all, I'm not a debtor.
~by anonymous3
Of his plans RA did state
the comedy "A Rover" is his fate.
This makes me declare,
"To England, I’ll go there!"
If we ever really get a firm date.
~by bZirk

Bringing to life the character's tale,
with that voice we know so well.
Horatia joined the gang of gals,
Phoebe and Venetia are her pals,
but for Uthred, Sylvester, Damerel, Rule & even Lovelace we fell.
~by iz4blue
Guy of Gisborne was never a bore,
in the leather he so deliciously wore.
His presence gave lie
to Marian’s vociferous deny
of her barely repressed inner PHWOAR!
~by RAFrenzy

Monet did have a beard that was awful,
but the truth is that RA’s just chocked-full
of talent that's higher than the sky,
he’s played four Johns - and a Guy,
and he’s got killer looks that should be unlawful.
~by Zyradustorm
Read me a story, dear man,
about Winnie the Witch or Flat Stan.
With those crinkles and voice,
I don't have a choice,
but to be an RA Cbeebies fan.
I understand RA likes to ski.
Doing major moguls with him might agree.
If he came where I live,
maybe Spillane and Demong some lessons will give,
and RA's berserking would become reality.
~by bZirk

There was a Victorian gent called John T,
who was as handsome as handsome can be!
When he removed his cravat,
ladies swooned and fell with a splat,
because Mr. Thornton was such a gorgeous chappy.
~by Jen
There once was an Arms “Master in Chief,”
who had dashing good looks and great teeth.
His dream was to be Sheriff,
but he wouldn’t get there if,
he didn’t first get rid of Keith.
~by Zyradustorm
I would like to interrupt, if I may,
for we all would just like to say,
that your talent is such,
and we love you so much,
we hope you have the best birthday!
~by Phylly3
*Thanks to everyone who participated. *
ROFLOL!!!! Ahem, no, ROFLOL!!!
Okay, I think I can type now.
Wow. You guys are great!
And pi,
Who knew! Yeah, you belong here. :D
@Anonymous(or is that Anonymi),
Naughty. LOL!
Nat, in your artistic hands your posters creative tributes to a certain Leicester lad are given a lovely setting. It was fun to be a part of it!
One word: FABULOUS.
Thanks for letting me in:)
WOW guys this is awesome!
I've laughed, I've nodded with my head, I've swooned with these limericks. *thumbs up*
OML :)
Just to clarify, there are 6 different anonymous poets. One of them (anonymous3) contributed more than one limerick.
I had so much fun collecting these. Your creativity and humor made me laugh out loud many times! Thanks. :)
Very funny and clever everyone!
I love the Anonymi! Oh, I love all of you!
You are the limit. :D
BTW, I like your skiing picture better than mine.
Wow!! Great idea Nat! I love them all!
I've been dying to see the limericks!
ROFLOL!!!!! They're all so fantastic and so clever and entertaining!
Nat, what a joyous occasion. I can't think a better way to celebrate RA's birth. You did a fabulous job. And thanks to all the splendid poets- you all made my day. I'm still grinning.
@RA Frenzy
Thanks! :)))) I love this blog.
Happy Birthday Richard! These are great. Thank you to the contributors and Nat for making my day.
There once was a woman named Nat
Who has a penchant for chat
She made up some rhymes
With limericks so fine
That we all wanted to throw in our hats
She likes a guy name Rich
(’Cause rhyming his full name’s a b—ch)
Wearing cammo, Speedo or leather
(Though a cravat is much better)
He captured her heart without hitch
Then she created a blog
Inspiring fun dialogue
If only Richard knew
How his fan base clings to
Her works since we can’t have a snog
RA’s birthday inspired much skill
Each rhyme really gave me a thrill
Please keep up the work
It never fails to perk
The devotion that his talent instills
Love to all you talented chickies.
Wow they are all lovely and so creative. I have been looking forward to reading them.
Thanks Nat for the idea, collecting them and matching them up.
Happy Birthday Richard and all the best for the next year.
LOL - a great idea for RA's birthday. Thanks to everyone, especially you nat for bringing so much enjoyment.
That's fantastic. Are you sure you aren't related to Nat? :D
Fantastic work, everyone! Really impressed by the creativity and talent floating around the RA fanbase. Loved the limericks - great idea, Nat! :)
littlevictories - What a fitting tribute! :D
You people are all so talented!
Great job, all, and of course Happy Birthday to Himself.
Wow! You guys rock! You're all so talented and funny :) Hats off to you all!
@Nat, thanks for a great blog that allows so many to showcase their talent. You had a great idea to recognize RA's birthday.
@littlevictories, what a poem! Special marks for you :)
And of course, to the Mr. A himself, on the chance that you are reading this:
Happy Birthday and wish you all the best!
What great fun! Thanks everyone and especially to Richard.
Ann Marie
Thanks Nat for getting me started,not just with the limerick but into the RA blogosphere. To you all an honour to be included and a joy to meet in cyberspace. What a way to celebrate!
Happy Bday RA!
Absolutely Fabulous!!!!
A great tribute to RA on his birthday.
@littlevictories, your poem is wonderful too.
Happy B.Day sweet RA!
These were quite a funny way to start a Monday morning. Thanks, girls. We celebrated Saturday with a big party -- because my granddaughter turns 2 tomorrow -- but I am sure Richard would have enjoyed the bounce house and Y0-GABBA-GABBA theme.
Well done everyone! An excellent tribute to RA Nat, well done for all your effort.
What talent you folks display! If I ever need a "lift", this is where I come. Makes me smile/laugh/swoon all at the same time! Thanks for sharing!!!!
I love all the limericks - isn't it wonderful how someone (the brilliant adorable Nat) can make a simple suggestion (limerick featuring RA or one of his characters) and then we all get to enjoy the amazing & varying results - spreading smiles across the world!
Well done to all!!
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