If I were to sum up Kiteflier's artwork in one word, it would be elegant.
She has such an eye for detail and makes everything look so very classy.
She is also a "multi fandom" artist, but a great deal of her work
features Richard Armitage.
She is also a "multi fandom" artist, but a great deal of her work
features Richard Armitage.
Only a few of her creations will be featured here,
but you can see all of her gorgeous designs by visiting one of her sites:
* * * * *
Before displaying KF's work, I'd like to stress a few things:
*Please let Kiteflier know which artwork you take/use by commenting on one of her sites.
*If you use her icons or sigs, please credit her, so that others can be referrenced to her sites.
*Do not upload these designs (or those on her sites) anywhere on the web.
They are for personal use only. (I received special permission to feature them on my blog.)
They are for personal use only. (I received special permission to feature them on my blog.)
*Do not change her work in any way or make them available for print.
*Comments about KF's work are welcome here, but please comment on her sites as well
so that she can get direct feedback. Thanks!
* * * * *
so that she can get direct feedback. Thanks!
* * * * *
Kiteflier's Wallpaper
The name "Dreams of Fancy" is really suiting because these are very dreamlike indeed...
Are these not amazing!?!
I am totally in awe of her talent.
Here are a few of my favorite
Kiteflier Icons:
Again, she has many, many more icons, wallpaper and sigs available at Dreams of Fancy
or KF Creations (links highlighted at the top of the post) so be sure to visit them!
or KF Creations (links highlighted at the top of the post) so be sure to visit them!
Kiteflier's Little Guy:

Kiteflier, thank you for your beautiful (and in the case of LG, funny) creations
and for allowing me to share them with my blogging buddies.
Kiteflier is another great artist. My personal favourite wallpaper of hers is the B&W wallpaper of Lucas in the suit(well you know me by now).
Little Guy just cracks me up too and I hope he continues to have many more adventures.
These are definitely art gallery quality.
Now there's a thought - a "RICHARD GALLERY". Huummm??
Can you imagine a whole gallery with wall to wall Richard Armitage?
***not a bad thought***
Absolutely gorgeous KF. Thank you.
Another great choice, Nat.
I rolled my eyes when someone first directed me to littleguyspad, but I was wrong and certainly wasn't disappointed -- about peed my pants from laughing. Very clever! My only disappointment is that I haven't seen "Richie." :D
I also have several of kiteflier's graphics. Really, really good stuff!
Again, one of my personal favorites. There is one shown here that is a special favorite! Wonder why Kiteflyer? lol
What an amazing artist... again I am honored to call her friend!
These wallpapers are so good that I broke my rule not to acquire any more Gisbourne pictures. I need another one of those like I need another hole in my head. :D
I got myself a blog today, so I wouldn't have to keep signing in with LJ and it being a PITA lol, so first comment with shiny new blog..
I love KF work, especially her LG stuff, the work she puts into it is amazing!
This is Heathra and I am a HUGE fan of KF's work and Angela's!! I am proud and privileged to call them my very good friends! Thanks Nat for featuring their artwork!! They are both brillant!!
My niece laughed so hard when she read the Barbie Doll part. She thinks Guy is the perfect villain.
I think i have all those wallpapaers on my computer. gorgeous stuff! And i LOVE Little Guy!!! i am hangng for the next installment!
And I want my own lil guy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for the kind comments :-) You have given me a lovely grin this morning
I am glad LG's pad has cause much amusement (sorry for the delay with the latest installment)
Thank you Nat for the feature :-)
(endorwitch - the LG's do come up on ebay from time to time if you are able to snag one :-)....)
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