Question: What RA stuff would you most like to see more of on this blog?
(Not the best-worded phrase, but oh well.)
(Not the best-worded phrase, but oh well.)
Here are the results with my 2 cents included:
Fan Art: 6 (9%) Let me know if you or anyone you know has some RA art to share!
Fan Videos: 3 (4%) Suggestions are always welcome.
Links to sites & blogs: 7 (10%) I will continue to post links to articles, pictures, or other interesting RA info. Be sure to check the "Other Sites" and "Enjoyable Blogs" links on the right bar. I add to these lists as I find new sites I like.
Themed Weeks: 23 (34%) THE WINNER! These have been fun and I'm glad you have enjoyed them! Let me know if you have any suggestions for a particular theme.
Stick-Figure Richard 14: (21%) Ha ha! I'm glad you guys get a kick out of these. I showed one of the "Adventures of Stick-Figure Richard" videos to my sister (who is not an RA fan- hasn't seen him in anything despite my ravings and nagging) and while I was laughing out loud (I'm one of those people who laughs at their own jokes) she sat there with an "I don't get it... You're nuts!" look on her face. I started to wonder if I was the only one who thinks SFR is funny, so this makes me feel less dorky! :)
Destinations (see "topics" section): 3 (4%) Do you know of an RA destination? (A town/city/place to visit that has the same name as one of RA's characters.) Please let me know.
Caption Contests 4 (6%) This was fun, but I will try to be more organized next time to make the process easier!
Ebay finds: 0 (0%) What? Nobody likes this? I am totally and utterly offended and am going on a blogging strike!!! Not that anyone cares because I obviously have lame ideas! *sob* HAHA... Just kidding- I agree... this one was probably my least favorite.
Other (please list in comments): 2 (3%) You 2 people who voted for "other" didn't tell me what you meant in the comments did you? Let me know.
I'm going to stick with what I've been doing,
which is a little bit of everything. Any random thing that has to do with Richard Armitage will probably find its way here. There will be plenty of theme weeks and Stick-Figure Richard will make more appearances in the future. :)
which is a little bit of everything. Any random thing that has to do with Richard Armitage will probably find its way here. There will be plenty of theme weeks and Stick-Figure Richard will make more appearances in the future. :)
Please remember I started this blog wanting a fun, casual environment where anyone could contribute their art, videos, stories, pictures, etc. If you ever have any news, ideas, or something to add, please let me know- you will be credited! I really appreciate suggestions. Thanks!
Frankly, what makes this blog so great (other than the subject matter LOL!) is you, Natalie. You've got a wonderful style and a voice -- keep using it! :D
I agree with what Bzirk has said.
I love visiting here very much and being able to put my(as us Brits call it) "twopence worth" and then crawl back to my place in the gutter from where I came Lol.
Keep up with all the wonderful work you do!!
I just noticed the "Mr. Armitage" tag . I thought maybe they were referring to RAs dad :D until I saw there are 22 of them. LOL! Do people really search on "Mr. Armitage?" Learn somethin' new every day.
The "Mr. Armitage" label is for anything pertaining to RA as himself, not in character. So if there's a photoshoot, red carpet event, etc. then I put the Mr. Armitage label. It wasn't with the idea of people searching online, just another category on the blog. :)
That makes complete sense.
I guess I've begun to think of "Mr." as almost outdated.
I love this blog. I like your humor and the lighthearted attitude. It makes it a fun place to visit. Whenever I want to know what is new with R.A, I can look here and you make it entertaining.
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