Nov 10, 2009

Soul-Soothing RA

Here is our first "Inspirational" Richard Armitage story,
graciously contributed by Ramones.

"I have a picture posted of RA in my classroom- the one where he [Thornton] is holding his head after he finds out that Margaret is getting the money [from her Godfather].  When the students are driving me mad I look over at the picture and it calms my soul. I have also had some students ask me about some of the period dramas and literature I read and so we have had about 4 of my girls watch N&S with me and when they saw episode 4 they stopped the film and said, "HEY that is your picture!" They have taken the picture and made t-shirts. They wear them when they are having a bad day or loads of tests and they get comfort. So JT soothes the souls of teacher and students at my HS."
I enjoyed this story, knowing that "North & South" not only gives comfort to Ramones and her students during stressful times, but brings them closer together as well.  Let's all take a moment to say, "Aww..."  Thanks for sharing Ramones! :)

How has RA made your world a better place?  Email me your inspirational stories:


bZirk said...

How cool. She may have just turned them onto reading in a way that even Harry Potter can't accomplish.

Now if they could just catch Toby Stephens in Jane Eyre. :D

Phylly3 said...

Great story! Do we have permission to copy this picture? It would make a great "motivational" poster.
I'm all for having an excuse to put a picture of RA at my workplace!! ;)

Random Ann said...

I am Ramones and it did actually inspire 2 of my girls to read Jane Eyre and as well all of the works by Jane Austen this summer. The Period drama gals are now watching s1 Robin Hood. They have seen Jane Erye with TS ( quote one student "He is too good looking to be Rochester but he is really great. I just imagined him darker and uglier" I love this.), Lost in Austen, P&P, The Vicar and Persuasion. They have demanded more RA so I am now working through Season 1 of Robin Hood. One senior has taken it upon herself to rent all the Series of Spooks and is now on Season 3. She is thrilled because all "her" Austen men from the films are in Spooks.
They are the reason I teach, to inspire minds. Although I teach science I have somehow inspired my girls to reach for more.

bZirk said...

This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

Starheart said...

That's cool. My discovery of N&S prompted me to regularly (if not often) blog about reading and watching period or historic books and movies. I used to think it was all stuffy and grimy, difficult to get into.