The buzz is everywhere... Richard would like to return to his theatre roots and appear on stage after Spooks 9 has completed filming this summer. (Not as the guy on the left, however.) See THIS article on Richard Armitage Online. RA described The Rover as "a great big bawdy romp through a carnival, with lots of sex and naughtiness." What the heck!? (Well, after Between the Sheets, perhaps nothing is too risque for RA. *wink*) I can already see the crowds of swooning women clammoring for tickets! This brings me to our next poll question: how many of you realistically plan on seeing this play if/when Richard is back on stage? (For some who live in other countries, it isn't an option, but I am curious.)
5 days ago
I would have to take a trip to London and see him on stage. I am not familiar with the play and it perhaps doesn't sound like something I would have chosen for him. But, oh yes! I would go and see him. I would wait at the stage door in my 'Shelley Conn pose' and say " Hey gorgeous"
The last sentence, is of course absolute rubbish. The very thought of just sitting in the audience is giving me palpitations.
I would die to go to the play...and i would like to ask an autograph *w*
OMG. Two hours on the train and a chance to see RA live on stage. I could totally do that. Question is how to break it to the hubby. "Can we go to London for the weekend? We can go watch a play. How about THIS one? No, I don't want to see something else, I want to see THIS one, never mind why." - Followed by casual swooning over posters in the foyer, squeeing in the audience and then being uncommunicative for the rest of the evening... Heh.
Maybe better to arrange a meetup with some fellow fans instead, if anyone would be interested. Could all go for some food or something and then go to the theatre and do a collective swoon - and skulk around the backdoor exit to have our programmes signed.. or would that be a bit too obsessive? *cough* Still, it would be fun to have a girl's night out kind of thing, as we probably wouldn't want to go with husbands and boyfriends based on the whole fandom thing. If they came with us to London, they could always go for a pint or whatever it is that men like to do when they're together, and leave the fawning to us. *giggle* Seriously though, it could be a hoot! We'll have to see if people are interested when/if the play actually comes on. :)
Thanks for the heads up, Nat!
I would LOVE to go to London to see RA on stage!!! I love Traxy's idea - but do you think the mob mentality might erupt with so many of us "fangurls" together in one place...I see international incident written all over this....count me in!!!!
ok all you Canadian/American fans -let's cross the pond to see RA!
Ohh I'm planning to spend some time in the UK when I finish study. This would be extra incentive to try and finish early!
Would definitely go, esp. if he were playing in one of the university breaks. Maybe I could even write it off as a professional expense!
Well, all you UK ladies are lucky duckies!
I totally understand why he would want to do comedy. When I saw him in RH, he cracked me up big time! His interactions with the Sheriff, and his facial expressions leave me laughing out loud. I think he has a natural talent for comedy and is probably quite a funny guy in real life. I wish he could do something in that genre on tv/movie so more of us could enjoy his performance.
Maybe he'll just have to make a trip to the good 'ole USA so us North Americans don't feel left out :)
I agree Twinkling Moon, he should come to North America....We can make him feel right at home....
@Servetus - Professional expense - Yes! It's research. Participant observation for upcoming my fan fervor study. Now to acquire a research grant...
OMG! I am going to be in England this July! If I had tickets to see him on stage I'd have more than heart palpitations!!
...must calm down...!
'The Rover' is a Restoration comedy about sexual politics set in the 1650's. Wilmore, the Rover, is an exiled Cavalier and mercenary who turns up in a Spanish colony intent on screwing anything in a skirt. Imagine a scruffy, impoverished version of Lovelace with hair extensions but with a certain redeeming charm! I'm certainly going to see the play if Richard appears in it. I saw the last UK production in 1987 with Jeremy Irons in the role. Sorry to disappoint some of you but my guess is that it will run September to December/early January as nothing is likely to open in the West End in August.
This is so clever of him!
He's actually trying to wriggle a Richard III adaptation from the BBC adn I hope he'll get it!
Yet, when I have a chance to hop over to London from Belgium to see RA in a play, I'll do it! If Hubby doesn't wannna go along, I can always pretend visiting my daughter who's living in London!
Breathe deeply girls, breathe deeply, in, out, nice and slowly. That's it.
OMG! Richard in comedy, I'd love to see that! How much are theatre tickets in London? I guess it would cost more than airplane ticket from Prague to London:-)
Top price seats will be over £50 each but it may depend on the venue and you should be able to get decent if not close seats for under £40.
I am always happy to use any excuse to visit London, had already promised myself a week in late September, and have no one to please at this point in my life BUT me. The one benefit of my employment is a surfeit of frequent flyer miles AND Marriott hotel points.
Now throw in the fact that I am fascinated by the Restoration, LOVE theatre, and it might well be Richard Armitage in the cast?
I see a travel in my future. Oh who am I kidding? I'm going even if there's no play.
What happened to the other potential stage play Richard was talking about? The one that was a 1960's book, series and play? I don't think fans should jump the gun just yet as this is only in the early planning stages as Richard suggested. I get the feeling that Richard is letting potential producers/casting directors know that he's available come July and would be willing to tread the boards once again. Personally by the sound of the play "The Rovers" it's not really my sort of thing and not the type of comedy I think most fans are assuming it to be. I think even with Richard in this play I would still have to give it the thumbs down. I must admit that I'm a little disappointed as I would much rather that he star in a more contemporary play (Tom Stoppard perhaps?)than this which seems to me to be a poor man's Shakespeare.
I must say I'm surprised Richard has named the play in question, maybe it's his way of giving it a plug if it is still in need of some financial backing. Isn't he a patron of the Globe Theatre? Maybe it has something to do with a project there?
I put this post below on the wrong entry. LOL! I need some rest.
Good points, Sue.
I'm seriously thinking of going to this play if or when it happens. I'm assuming it would be in the fall, and obviously, after Spooks has wrapped, which I now know usually happens about mid-August.
Anyone want to go with me? Servetus? You think you can get off? Let's hope it's not during mid-terms or finals. But I'm thinking a really quick trip like maybe four days or possibly longer if I can swing it or anyone else can. I'm serious. I've just been looking for a reason to go back to England, and this is a pretty good one. I hope it's not wishful thinking on RA's part and there really is a good chance of a play and soon.
I really think it's great how London theatre seems to be thriving and I always make sure I see a play whenever I'm in London. RA in the flesh and as a handsome Cavalier! The wigs, the luscious costumes, the wit and bawdiness, of course I'll be there!
If the reports are confirmed, and Richard is in it, good. Varied roles and varied media are necessary to the evolution of a serious and talented actor....
Well I would definitely go, but I work in London so that would be easy if that is where it is (more than likely I would say). Think I might have to go more than once too, sigh...!!!!
More than once, 30rock? How we commiserate! Go for it!
I would love to go, do we know specific dates/theater? Anyone else interested in going from the east coast of the US?
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