May 28, 2010

Photo Friday ~ Remembering Gisborne

It's Memorial Day Weekend in the USA...
a time when we remember those who have passed away.
Most of us put flowers on loved-ones graves and spend time with family.
Some of us take advantage of the long weekend and go on short vacations.
(My family is going camping.  Bring on the s'mores!)  It also marks the beginning of summer
and I've been told between now and Labor Day, it's okay to wear white shoes or something.
(Um... I wouldn't know, being fashion-challenged and all.)

So in honor of remembering those who have gone, let's take a minute
to focus on Sir Guy of Gisborne, one of Richard Armitage's most popular characters.

Young Guy, aka: the non-RA Gisborne:
Poor Guy... sweet and innocent before life throws him a few curve balls.
(And before he had stubble.)

Guy & Marian:
The way he looks at her...  *sigh*

The eyes:
One of the few exceptions when a man can wear makeup and look hot.

Mr. Leather:
Nobody rocks the black leather like Gizzy... nobody.

My personal favorite look~ Season 3 with the long hair!
The brooding!

One of the most bitter-sweet moments of the Robin Hood series:
 As much as I love Guy's bad boy edge, I'm glad he showed his good side in the end
and died  fighting beside his brother and Robin.  *sob*

Richard made Gisborne more than just a baddie.
He brought depth and humanity to a character we probably shouldn't like,
but can't help love. 

May 27, 2010

You know you're a Richard Armitage fan when...

There could be hundreds of possibilities to fill in this blank.
In fact, I think I've seen some funny lists on blogs and/or forums, but I can't remember
where at the moment. (Please feel free to provide links, if you know.)
*Update: Traxy at The Squeee posted a hilarious list a while ago (HEREwhich is the one I'd read before.*
The other day, my husband and I were on the weird subject of what would happen if one of us died.
I said I was totally fine with the idea of him getting remarried as long as the new wife was rather ugly.
(Y'know... so I could always be the pretty one or something.)  He was rather taken aback by that comment,
and with his chin up and brow slightly furrowed said, "So you wouldn't want me to ever be attracted to
anyone else, Mrs. Armitage?"  (In an attempt to make a point that I currently do have a crush on someone
else.)  Instead of coming back with a sarcastic comment like he was expecting, I burst into fits of laughter
and couldn't stop for several minutes.  It was just so darn funny (maybe you had to be there) and the Hubs
looked so adorable all pouty and... I would say jealous, but that's not the right word... disgruntled?
Luckily, Mr. Nat knows my crush on Richard is harmless and if he knew how much lovin' it got him,
he'd be encouraging me to watch RA shows 24/7. :)
So, in my recent experience,
you know you're an RA fan when: your significant other calls you "Mrs. Armitage."
HAHAHAHA!  Love it. :)

Guy of Gisborne Giveaway!

Did that title perk your interest?
Attention all Gisborne-lovers and fanfic readers...
You should check out my friend Avalon's blog HERE for an exciting giveaway.
Two lucky winners will receive a free copy of "The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story"
(available for purchase HERE) written by Sarah Pawley, pen name Charlotte Hawkins.

So what are you waiting for?
Go to Avalon's Blog, read through her post, tell her why you love the Gizzy-man,
and you'll be entered into the drawing.  Piece of cake!  Good luck.  :)

May 25, 2010


Instead of getting online during nap time like I normally would,
I'm usually catching a few Z's as well, these days.
Instead of blogging after the boys are tucked in bed at night,
I'm usually eating a little snack and getting ready to tuck myself in too.

Instead of daydreaming
about this tall, dark, loveliness...
I fantasize about
THIS tall, dark loveliness:
Oh, man. Hold me back, people!  Hold me back!

Speaking of cravings,
whenever I see Richard eating something on screen or in a photo,
I switch from RA-viewing mode to tummy-growling mode and want to know
what he is eating and how quickly I can get it too. 

Somebody get me a grilled cheese, stat! (Or whatever that is...)
Richard, this is my current favorite picture of you.
Whenever I'm chowing down, (don't worry, folks... I usually keep it healthy)
I can think of this photo and pretend this was your hundreth snack of the day too.

I wish that anytime I had a craving (darn those food commercials)
I had my own delivery boy who would show up at my door with food-in-hand,
looking this handsome while he was at it.  (Not that I'd pay much attention to the
person standing there when the smell of the food hit me.)  Yes, please: 

I suddenly have a hankering for a midieval feast.  Who needs forks, right?

Did somebody say fork?
While the rest of you are enjoying the piercing stare...
I am wondering what John ordered, wishing it was included in the photo.

Well... I'm off to take an afternoon nap.
Now you'll know the reasons if I slack off of blog duty now and then.
If I'm not busy with my kids, I'm either snacking or snoozing.
(At least I can rationalize that having a bun-in-the-oven demands extra energy.)

Those of you who have seen Strike Back...
Does John Porter have any foodie moments?

May 24, 2010

Letter to Richard ~ Rough Draft

Hello again, blog readers!
Oh, Richard, I've missed you and my RA buddies...
but what can ya do when life gets busy, eh?
Thank you for understanding, Monet.

So a while ago, I mentioned HERE how I've been a bit of a chicken
when it came to writing RA a fan letter.  I haven't done such a thing ever!
(Well, I might have written one to Paul McCartney once when I was
13 and going through Beatlemania a few decades too late.)

Anyway, thank you to everyone who gave me the encouragement to just do it!
I originally planned on being really selfish and having you basically write the letter for me...
(a-heh... *guilty laugh*) but then after reading your comments, I realized I should write my own piece and
then include your 2 cents as part of the letter, individually.  If any of you would like your comment removed
(or your username changed to "anonymous"), please let me know.  Also, if you'd like to add
a comment now is your last chance since I plan to mail the final draft next week.
(Email me at or leave it in the comments section below.)

Here's what I have so far...
I am not eloquent and pretty sure I sound like a dork, but oh well. :)

Dear Richard,

American fan Natalie here! I’ve been wanting to send you a little something to say “hello” and “thank you for the awesome entertainment you’ve supplied” for a while… but I’ve been too bashful. I mean, the thought of THE Richard Armitage even possibly reading this letter makes me blush! I know you’re just a regular guy and all, but you’re my favorite actor and I greatly admire your talent.  Plus, I'm just going to say it~ you're so darn handsome.  (Don't worry... I'm not a crazy stalker, but happily married with 2 1/2 kids.  Plus I live far away.)

Something that has given me an outlet from everyday household cares is a fan blog I run in your honor, which can be seen here:  This blog is more of a fan letter to you than anything I could possibly write down and send in the mail. It is light-hearted and humorous.  It is such a fun hobby and I’ve made many friends throughout the world, so I owe you a big thanks for that as well!

On a side note: I also have created a comic based on you and your work called “The Adventures of Stick-Figure Richard.” So far, there are 7 short slide show videos on You Tube, which chronicle the fun-filled, humorous adventures of SFR. They can be found on You Tube if you search for “Natazukii” (my username) or “Stick-Figure Richard.” They are also linked on the sidebar of my blog. SFR even has a few groupies! (It must be the cute sideburns.)
I would be so honored if you would check out my blog and/or the Stick-Figure Richard comics when you have a spare moment. Hopefully you will get a kick out of them. (After all, the intent is to get people to smile.) If you have any comments, suggestions or have an idea for the next SFR adventure, please let me know!

Before I wrap things up, it is thanks to the encouragement of my blog readers that I’ve finally had the motivation to send you this letter. Several of them have things they’ve wanted to add as well:

Time_4_T~ Please accept this letter in the spirit it is written - not from an "army" but from thoughtful people who appreciate your talent as an actor.
Anonymous~ One great thing about being a fan of yours is meeting and forming friendships with others who share similar interests.
Beth~ (Greetings from Argentina!) Even though I live very far from you, with your work I feel very close.
Musa~ I love the fact that you have a wonderful sense of humor and though you take your work seriously you don't take yourself too seriously. I admire that in a person.
Lady Gis-Monet Thornton~ Richard, we here at The Richard Armitage Fan Blog are not to be confused with crazed fans or an "army" (you know what I mean, right Richard?) In fact, we assemble here just as a means of sharing our deep appreciation for your inspiring and excellent work as a collective, friendly community. Any flames against you are promptly used to toast marshmallows.
flandersdreamer~ People, regardless of where they live, which language they speak or what background they have, became friends because of you, dear Mr. Armitage. You have an extraordinary talent as an actor and a rare quality as a person that makes us want to share our thoughts about you. Thank you for that.
MillyMe~ You have shared with us how you prepare for each part that you play through the reading of literature and often extensive physical training and you make sure that you give credit to the authors, film-makers and other cast members. This ensures that people who read your interviews are aware of how much of a team effort every artistic endeavor is.
30Rock~ Please don't ever ever think about cosmetic surgery for your nose. It's perfect just the way it is.
@Rob~ You always manage to create these real characters, and I forget that I am watching you and become lost in the story. And, yes, your nose is perfect, if you go under the knife, I am out.
Myrtle~ You have many supporters here in America and it would be wonderful to see you work over here. Some of them would like to take you skiing.
Chica Popcorn~ Did you know you have fans in Mexico too? I hope you can visit America someday! You will be welcome that's for sure! I wanted to express my admiration for your professional work and especially towards your humanity and your humility with your fans and your admirers.
Twinkling Moon~ And when you do come over State-side, don't worry about having a perfect American accent. Just be your lovely, charming, British self. We Americans actually go all-a-flutter when we hear that English accent
Jane M~ I can't wait to see where the future takes you. Best wishes for your future professional endeavors. May you enjoy them as much as your fans do.
onemorelurker1~ Greetings from Peru! *Thank you* for putting so much effort into every character you play, each one has touch us in different ways, they’re complex, very human. Your portrayal of them has inspired not only me but also many fans (i.e fiction, videos, graphics, paintings, blogs…), I just have to watch their work and I'm amazed at the result obtained from their talent and the understanding and caring of your characters.
Phylly3~ I have never participated in a fandom before but something about your exquisite skill at character portrayal combined with the tidbits we learn about what an intelligent and kind human being you are in real life has made me and so many others want to follow your career and cheer for you along the way.
Anonymous~ You are one handsome guy. I especially like to see you wearing a cravat, black leather or fuzzy sweaters.
Anonymous~ Things a Man Should NOT Say When Attempting to Fend Off a Thronging Horde of Female Admirers:
“My best dance is the Argentinean Tango.”
“I’m pretty handy with a screwdriver.”
“I would probably like to kiss Nigella Lawson after she’s just eaten a chunk of chocolate cake.”
“Night-night. Sleep tight.”
Elisabet~ Greetings from the Netherlands! I would like to thank you so much for sharing your extraordinary talent. A number of the roles that you have played have even helped me think about situations in my life and understand them better. You really have a wonderful gift.
I know I’m biased, but aren’t my blog readers (aka: YOUR fans) great? The overwhelming majority of them are so friendly, funny and intelligent!

* * * * *
And Mrs. Armitage, if you are reading this (I’ve heard that Richard’s mother helps sort through his mail)
thank you for having such a kind, talented, good-looking son. You must be very proud! Do us a favor and see if you can persuade him to do another period film.
* * * * *

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Best wishes and much respect,
Natalie  ~the blabbering blogger, stick figure-drawer, young wife and mother from across the pond
and The Richard Armitage Fan Blog readers

What do you think?
FYI, this would currently take 4 printed pages.

May 18, 2010

Random Fandom

I still haven't seen "Strike Back" yet.
I feel like a late bloomer, waiting to catch up with everyone else.
I've just been really busy or really tired lately, so no luck.
(Thank you to those who have sent me links!  So nice of you.)

Don't worry Porter.
We'll have our day in the sun... eventually.
*Nat suddenly bursts out singing "There's a Place for Us" from Westside Story.*
I have been reading a few "Strike Back" reviews and spoilers
(because I have no RA self control) and here's what I've gathered so far:

*Something about a knife hidden somewhere awkward.  (Do I want to know?)
*Ink blot cards... enough said.  *blush*
*There's a lot of violence.  (I already gathered that much, since it's a war movie.)
*There's some Porter hanky-panky lovin'. 
*Richard's nekked bumsky is once again revealed for all to see.  *gasp!*
*There are flexing muscles!  (Looking forward to that part.)
*The storyline is more action-packed than thought-provoking.

Do I have it right?

Okay, moving on to a very deep topic,
so brace yourself...

I still can't decide who is sexier ~ Thornton or Gisborne.
In the scheme of things... does it really matter in life's big picture who is hotter? 
No.  (Yet, I find myself doing it often... somebody slap me.)

Maybe a few of you out there think Monet is the cream of the crop, eh?
(I just wanted an excuse to use this picture again.  It cracks me up.)

Just to let you know, I'll probably be taking a break from posting most of this week.
My baby sister is graduating from high school, we'll have tons of family visiting and it's going to be busy.
Perhaps I should skip the boring card and money and give Kate "North & South" to celebrate her big day!
(This is same sister I mentioned before, HERE, who keeps rejecting my movie night suggestions
and apparently needs a good swift kick in the right direction.)

Any-hoo, if I'm unable to pop in for a while,
have a wonderful week!
What a great bloke... giving us a thumbs up,
not to mention, wearing black leather for our viewing pleasure.
(Uh-oh... I feel the beginnings of a limerick coming on!)

    *     *     *    
Update: The above photo is from the Russian RA forum HERE.
I don't know what in the heck they're saying, but they have some great photos, so check it out!


May 12, 2010

The Matching Game

First of all, I have to give another shout-out to Heather
who has been a great sport about me doing a spoof on her vids.
I let her know my plan ahead of time and she was very supportive about it. 

If you have not yet seen Stick-Figure Richard's latest vid,
scroll down a few posts and take a look.  Germans, I'm still working out
the kinks for you... sorry about the YT restrictions for now.

SFR's version of "Sexy Back" has quite a few drawings,
and several of them were an attempt to replicate scenes from Richard's work.
Have you been able to match them?  If not, here are the side-by-side comparisons,
with a few links to previous posts that are related.

Lee strutting in his speedo by the pool:

My favorite Gisborne-on-horse scene:
*Read "A Gisborne Limerick" HERE.*

This was a repeat from SFR #6, but I had to use it again.
Suit-wearing Lucas on cell phone:

John Porter in his camo with gun:
(Although his stick figure feet bug me... I should've drawn some boots!)

The famous Gizzy-by-fireplace scene:
(Oh man, I should've added candles!)

Richard at the BAFTAs:
*See "Tux Week" HERE.*

(I don't know why I always put that hat on him... it just looks more artsy.)

Harry in his scarf:
(I realized later that Harry never wears his scarves and glasses at the same time.)
*See "Scarves and Sweaters" posts HERE.*

Gisborne and his stubble of trouble:
(Now if only I could figure out how to draw the guyliner...)
*See "fickle facial hair" post HERE.*

John "so hot in a cravat" Thornton:
*See the "JT and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Cravats" post HERE.*

Lucas behind the wheel:
*Read "A Lucas Limerick" HERE.*

The evil mustache:


Sniffing a flower while brooding:

Angry, long-haired Gizzy with sword:
(I miss Gisborne. *sniff*)

While going through my pics that match with their SFR doubles,
I just realized that I left a very, very important depiction out of SFR's "Sexy Back" vid!
Gisborne tied to a tree, of course!  How on Earth did I forget that one!?