Dec 31, 2009

Happy New Year!


We Richard Armitage fans have a lot to look forward to in 2010...
Strike Back, Spooks Season 9, Charlie (if/when contracts are signed) and maybe more!
  American fans can look forward to Robin Hood Season 3 coming out on dvd January 12th. 
Say what you want about the writing... long-haired Gisborne is gorgeous!
Let's stare at this picture for a moment to confirm that fact:

Told you so.

The New Years goals that will NOT make my resolutions list:
*Give up chocolate.  ~Not gonna happen folks.
*Spend more time cleaning and less time blogging.  ~Yeah right.
*Quit obsessing over books & movies.  ~I know myself too well.
*Learn a new language.  ~I'm not feeling that ambitious.  Does Pig Latin count?

A few of Nat's New Years Resolutions:
*Give more service to others and be extra mindful of those around me.
(Even something as simple as as a smile or "hello" to a stranger at the store.)
*Send a birthday card to everyone in the family to let them know we care & remember.
(I married into a huge clan with tons of nieces, nephews and in-laws,
so this can be challenging to keep up with!)
*Spend more time enjoying the present, rather than looking forward to the future.
(My boys are growing up so fast!  I need to treasure every moment... destructo phases and all.)
*Fold laundry instead of letting clean clothes sit in baskets all over the bedroom for weeks.
(Don't laugh.  This will be the hardest to accomplish, believe it or not!)
and last but not least,
*Convert as many people as possible to RA fandom!  Yessss!!!

Must... spread... RA... love!

Anyway, those are a few things (off the top of my head) I'd like to work on in 2010.
I'm sure I'll be adding more goals to this list.

Someone who apparently has no problem spreading RA love is loriBear,
with her tally of 33 converts.  Holy crap!  She deserves a tacky gold award:

What are some of your New Years resolutions?
May you all have a fun, safe and exciting New Years weekend!

Dec 29, 2009

Bringing Others into the Fold

Most of the Richard Armitage fans I know have a nagging ambition to spread the RA-love
to as many people as possible.  (With that much talent to enjoy, it's the proper thing to do, right?)

I just discovered, and am happy to report, that I've successfully ignited an RA fan flame!
My sister-in-law (the one I mentioned HERE) watched "North & South" with me last summer.
(She likes period films and I knew it would be her cup of tea.) Of course, she enjoyed it. 
The next day she returned to Arizona and that's the last we spoke of it. 

Everyone needs a little Thornton in their lives.

Fast forward to the present: she and her family have just arrived in town for the week.
The first thing she said to me was, "Guess what?  I bought North & South a few months ago!"
and then talked about how she has watched it multiple times and loves John Thornton.
I was surprised and must admit, a tad jealous knowing that she owned the dvd before me!
(My copy won't be delivered until next week.)  That bratty attitude was soon overcome by pride...
my very first RA convert!  Next targets: my two sisters.  It shall be a New Years resolution!

Have you converted anyone to RA fandom?

Dec 28, 2009

More Porter ~Promo Video & Pics

This is only a 15 second peek at Strike Back, but we'll take whatever we can get, right?
*Remember to pause the blog's background music at the bottom of the screen before viewing.*

Thanks to Deb for bringing this video to my attention!

Since those scenes flash by pretty quickly,
let's take a look at some screen caps provided by djonia.
Thanks, djonia! 

I'm not normally into the military look, but...
Richard Armitage holding scary weapons = hot! 
Richard Armitage in camo = hottta hottta hot!
Richard Armitage in a beret and uniform = hotty hot hot!

Again I say:
Bring on the Porter!!!

Dec 26, 2009

Latest Happenings *updated*

Hopefully you all have had a pleasant holiday week!
Here are a few things that have happened since the last post...

The Porter Picture
This awesome picture of Richard Armitage as John Porter in upcoming "Strike Back"
popped up earlier this week and many of us couldn't stop staring at our screens.
Let's observe it some more, shall we?  Wow.
I was excited when I heard Toby Stephens would also be in this production...
but after seeing this picture, I can't wait!  Bring on the Porter!
Ragtag gave us a peek at other Strike Back cast members HERE.

Little Guy is a proud Poppa!

Kiteflier was lucky enough to capture many sweet moments, including
Little Guy & Little Marian's preparations for the baby, plus the blessed day of her arrival.
Visit Little Guy's Pad HERE to see for yourself.  (Thanks for keeping us updated, KF!)

Richard's Latest Message
I'm sure you're all aware by now that Richard sent a message to fans on
Christmas Eve's Eve which can be viewed HERE at Richard Armitage Online.
 This is how I translated it in a nutshell:
It's been a crazy year for me with ups and downs and I've been working my tail off.
I'm exhausted, but want to thank you fans for sticking around and supporting me in everything.

Thanks for the gifts, but I don't need them and there are others who could benefit more greatly
from your generosity.
[Insert list of charities here.]  Happy Christmas & New Year!
Does anyone else have a different interpretation?

The Season 8 Spooks Finale!
I was able to sneak away from the holiday festivities long enough to catch this episode online.

Spoiler Alert!
They included the major points I was hoping for:
*Girl fight between Ros & Sarah -check.
(Although I would've liked to see more Ros-pulling-Sarah's-hair action.)
*Lucas telling Sarah "You disgust me." -check.
*A guarantee Sarah won't return in Season 9 -check.
*A heroic farewell to Ros. -check.
(I became attached to her throughout this season.)

Nat's DVD collection is growing!
This isn't news, but I have to share since I'm very excited.
I didn't bother asking Old St. Nick for "North & South" because my Santa doesn't know
much about period films and I would've ended up with the Patrick Swasey version under the tree.
However, my grandmother gave me money this year instead of the traditional over-sized sweater. (Shocking!)  I've already put some of it to good use and just ordered "The Elizabeth Gaskell Collection" dvd set from amazon! It includes North & South, Cranford and Wives & Daughters.
Owning this set (along with Pride & Prejudice and Jane Eyre -2006) will complete my
collection of favorite period films!  Of course, I'm most excited about Mr. Thornton's pending arrival.
Excited Smiley Group Pictures, Images and Photos

Keep enjoying your holiday break, everyone!

*    *    *    *    *


I forgot to mention,
there is a new Richard Armitage website!
Please visit Richard Armitage Central HERE.

"Richard Armitage Central is the newest, unofficial website for the oldest, dedicated
Richard Armitage fan forum, the Armitage Army @ Richard Armitage Central.
Here we celebrate the work and talents of the English actor, Richard Armitage,

and the members of the fan forum his work inspires."

Now you can access RAC's forum and awesome photo gallery
in one location, along with news, articles, etc.
I've browsed around, and it looks like a great site.
Way to go, RAC mod team!

Dec 21, 2009

The 12 Days of Armitage Christmas

Sing along, friends!

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
Dear Richard gave to me...

Twelve Thorntons brooding,

Eleven Accountants counting,

Ten lords a-leath'ring,

Nine cats a-dancing,

Eight maids a-kissing,
Seven lifeguards swimming,

Six Standrings standing,

Five C-bee-bieeees!!!

Four troubled words,

Three French men,

Two big hugs,


And a Gisborne tied to a tree!

Merry Christmas from
The Richard Armitage Fan Blog!

In case I don't get the chance over the busy week,
I wanted to send my holiday greetings to all of you lovely blog readers & fellow RA fans.
Here's hoping you all have a wonderful holiday season filled with warmth and happiness!
I'll be enjoying the company of many out-of-town family members over the next 2 weeks,
so posts may be hit-and-miss until after the New Year.  Best wishes!  ~Nat

Thanks to the RAC Gallery, the Richard Armitage Net Gallery & the C19 Forum,
along with many other various sources for supplying so many great photos to nab & crop.