Stick-Figure Richard

Who is Stick-Figure Richard?  (aka: SFR)
Only the coolest, most gorgeous stick figure you'll ever meet!!!

SFR is a comedic character I created,
based on Richard Armitage and his work.

There are several short videos featuring SFR and his adventures.
So if you haven't already seen them, sit back and enjoy!
*Remember to pause the blog's background music (bottom of screen) before viewing.*

Episode 1:
An introduction to SFR

Episode 2:
SFR tries to enjoy a day at the beach.

Episode 3:
A look at why SFR is so dang hot.

Episode 4:
SFR struggles with his New Years Resolutions.

Episode 5:
SFR searches for the perfect nose. 
(Storyline by blog reader Lucia.)

Episode 6:
Spooks Season 8~ how things should have been.
(Storyline by blog reader Phylly3.)

Stick-Figure Richard Prepares for Dwarfdom:
Stick-Figure Richard's Adventures in Middle Earth:

Other Stick-Figure Richard Videos~

Sexy Back

Stick-Figure Richard in Watercolor

Stick Figure Richard Comes to Town
The SFR watercolor painting arrives at its new home.
(Created by RA buddy and Crinkle Zone Queen, Manda)

Other SFR tid-bits, besides vids~

Stick Figure Richard meets Nat: HERE

Behind the scenes of the "Sexy Back" vid,
matching SFR drawings with the characters/scenes
they were based upon: HERE

"Guess that scene" with SFR paper doll: HERE

Thanksgiving with the all the stick figures: HERE