Apr 30, 2010

Photo Friday ~ Something Old, Something New

An oldie, but goodie from 2005:

Current "Strike Back" publicity:
Richard Armitage Net featured a link to Daniel Kennedy's blog (the photographer),
showing how he photographed Richard and Orla separately,
then photoshopped them together.  If you haven't already, check it out HERE.

Does anyone else find the fill-in models hilarious?
The expression on Richard's partner in particular made me laugh out loud!

If I were to do a caption contest for the "before" photos (although I'm not)
what caption would you contribute for Richard, Orla or their fill-ins?

Apr 29, 2010

21st Poll Results: Will YOU have a golden ticket?

Poll Question:
Will you buy a ticket to "The Rover"
if/when Richard Armitage returns to the stage?
Time to recycle the Richie Wonka picture...

119 Votes were cast.

Poll Results:
Yes and I live in the UK: 28 (23%)
Yes and I live outside of the UK: 36 (30%)
No, but I wish I could: 52 (43%)
No, not interested in that play: 3 (2%)

Richard looking charming in "The Four Alice Bakers" (1999):

As I mentioned last week,
Richard has expressed interest in returning to the
theatre later this year when Spooks 9 has completed filming.
I immediately thought, "Hmm... I wonder how many cRAzy gals
will be willing to clear their schedules, whip out their purses and
hand over the cash for travel/tickets?"  I think it's safe to say
no matter when RA returns to the stage, he will have an
eager crowd of followers waiting to cheer him on.

If Richard does in fact appear on stage this fall,
there's no way I'll be able to go.  I'm expecting baby #3 in
November and will be massively large-and-in-charge at the time.
I'm not going to be traveling anywhere during the last few months.
I mean, look what happened to Claire on "Lost." 
One minute, she was flying on an airplane, then the next, she
was giving birth on some mysterious island in the middle
of nowhere!  Sorry Richard, but I'll just have to
catch one of your plays some other time.
Hopefully there will be more. :)

I have to admit, I was getting jealous reading about
some of your possible girls night out ideas to see Richard's on stage.
It sounds like so much fun! You'll just have to stalk cheer him on
for me. If some of you manage to surprise him at the stage door, I'll
want a full report: what does he smell like?  (Okay, that's the only
question I can think of right now, but I'll come up with more.)
Maybe it's a good thing I can't go.  I can imagine myself
showing up in a homemade Stick-Figure Richard t-shirt and in
the middle of an important scene, running up on stage shouting,
"Hug me, Richaaaaaaaaaard!!!" with a wild-eyed expression.
(I wouldn't really do that.  I hope.)

Apr 27, 2010

A Change of Mood

Ever have those days when you just feel cranky?

I've been one Grumpy Gus Gisborne.

I had my reasons, but rationalizing wasn't going to help.
It was time to kick that ornery attitude to the curb!

So what did I do?

I vented my silly frustrations to a buddy,
(thanks friend- you know who you are)

changed into some comfy clothes,

ate something sweet and unhealthy,

and watched a few of my favorite scenes from North & South.

There's something about watching Thornton pout
that makes me smile...
and there's something about a favorite movie that can
ease anyone's mindset.  It's like comfort food.

The second North & South begins and I hear that beautiful
theme music playing, I feel relaxed.  It's like a big, "Awww..."
such as when you wake up in the morning and can take your
time stretching your arms and legs before rolling out of bed.
(Oops... wrong kind of stretching in bed.)

Also, whenever watching North & South,
I always have those "be grateful for what you have" moments
and here are some of them in no particular order:

I'm thankful that I don't have to wear a corset.
They look awesome, but I'm glad we live in a time when
women wearing t-shirts and jeans is acceptable.

I'm grateful I've never had to labor in a workhouse,
even if the boss were drop-dead gorgeous.

I've never had to scrimp for food,
nor gone without proper healthcare,
although I have had generous neighbors and friends
who have offered their service in times of need.

I have a loyal, supportive family...
and a handsome, loving companion.

Everyone has their cranky days, but life is good. 
Thanks for perking me up, Richard! :)

Apr 26, 2010

Richard busting a groove?

Here is a dorktastic, homemade dance video made in the early 90's,
which claims to feature a young Richard Armitage.  There is never a close-up of his face,
so we can't be 100% positive that the guy in the white shirt is actually RA, although
he does seem to resemble him in height and at-a-distance glance.

Be prepared to have an early 90's flashback...
*Pause the blog's background music (bottom of screen) before viewing.*

Does anyone else cringe when they see pictures of themselves from the 80's or 90's?
I was too young to wear massive gobs of eyeshadow, but I did sport plenty of neon.  Rad!
Don't worry, Richard... if this is you, we forgive your crazy dance moves and poofy jeans.

What do you think?
Is the dancer in white Richard or is this just a load of YouTube crap?
Either way, it made me chuckle.

Thanks to one of my super RA detectives for bringing this video to my attention!

Apr 23, 2010

Sherwood Forest's Real Hero

In honor of Earth Day (yesterday) I thought we should focus on trees...
the trees of Sherwood Forest, that is, and who really cares about them.

Does Robin and his gang of hooligans care about the trees?
They appreciate the shelter and protection from the enemy that the forest provides...
but there's no real love there my friends, and I'm going to prove who truely
looks out for the environment, in a totally unbias view.

Exhibit A:
Examine these photos.  Who seems to be more fond of trees here?

Exhibit B:
Robin uses trees as a form of punishment... tying up gorgeous rivals to their trunks
and then throwing knives into their bark!  What a jerk.
Gizzy is so sad that Robin would harm a tree like this.

Exhibit C:
When Robin isn't throwing knives into trees, he is using them for target practice.

Exhibit D:
Gisborne and trees go together so nicely.

Exhibit E:
Robin had the nerve to carve his and Marian's initials into an innocent tree!!!
Oops... wrong Robin.
Um, I'm sure the other one did the very same thing. 
Why does he hate the environment so?

As you can clearly see...
Sir Guy of Gisborne is the REAL hero when it comes to the beauty of Mother Nature.
I don't know if he would be considered a "tree hugger"... but he certainly has a way with them.

Happy Belated Earth Day. :)

Enjoy your weekend and all the beauty Earth provides!

Apr 22, 2010

Richard on Stage

The buzz is everywhere...  Richard would like to return to his theatre roots and appear on stage after Spooks 9 has completed filming this summer.  (Not as the guy on the left, however.)  See THIS article on Richard Armitage Online.  RA described The Rover as "a great big bawdy romp through a carnival, with lots of sex and naughtiness."  What the heck!?  (Well, after Between the Sheets, perhaps nothing is too risque for RA. *wink*)  I can already see the crowds of swooning women clammoring for tickets!  This brings me to our next poll question:  how many of you realistically plan on seeing this play if/when Richard is back on stage?  (For some who live in other countries, it isn't an option, but I am curious.)

Apr 21, 2010

Rockin' Gisborne

Can we ever get enough Gisborne fanvids?  I'm pretty sure he has inspired more
art/videos than any other RA character... and we lucky fans get to sit back and enjoy it all!

I love this Guy/Allen video by LadySteena.  (Thanks to Avalon for bringing it to my attention.)
As if watching this pair of handsome men strut around wasn't enough... she added AC/DC music!
*Remember to pause the blog's background music (bottom of screen) before viewing.*

Go Team Leather!

Here's a fun, kick-A Gisborne vid by Kitsunify to enjoy.  (Season 3 Gizzy is my fave... uber sexy!)
*Remember to pause the blog's background music (bottom of screen) before viewing.*

Apr 19, 2010

Look-a-Like: The Blond Gisborne Hair

Does anyone else ever see people/things that remind them of Richard Armitage?
(I'm sure you all thought I was a bit nuts when I saw Richard in my child's cartoon- HERE.)

This weekend I watched "Scarlett," the 1994 sequel to "Gone with the Wind."
Sean Bean plays Lord Fenton, a nasty piece of work.  I don't think Sean looks like Richard,
but Lord Fenton was totally rocking a Gisborne-like haircut that had me staring at
his blond locks and sideburns whenever he was on screen!
*Bean Caps courtesy of fanzone50.com*

Although I'm a fan of Sean Bean and his wrong-colored Gizzy-do, I'm not a fan of Lord Fenton,
being a rapist and murder and all. (I mean, Gisborne was pretty much a saint, right? *cough*)
By the way, I saw Sean in "Clarissa" a few weeks ago.  He and Richard certainly play baddies well!

The scoundrel in black:

Keep it Coming, Sky1!

I think the hype over "Strike Back" is going to keep building and building
over the next few weeks leading up to its premier on Sky1 at the beginning of May.
I am loving all the sneak peek photos, interviews and wallpapers on Sky's website HERE.

Here are a few photos that stuck out to me...

I like the furrowed eyebrow look here:

If I ever meet Richard in person, I'll corner him and stand there like this lady:
... and then he'll shout, "Security!!!" 
(Just kidding, Richard!  I'm all talk. I wouldn't have the guts!)

Oooh... dark and mysterious Porter:

Cool interview with Richard about John Porter HERE.

Bring on the Porter.

Apr 16, 2010

Photo Friday~ Richard at the "Strike Back" Premier

Here is Richard and co-star Orla Brady at the "Strike Back" premier on April 15th.
According to Richard Armitage Online, it was held at the Vue West End cinema in London.
Oooh... RA in a suit!  Is it just me, or does Richard look a bit mischievous here? :)
It is great to see pictures of Richard out and about, smiling and looking like he's having a good time.

Richard leaving his shirt unbuttoned a bit reminds me of cravatless Thornton!
To see more photos of RA and his cast mates at the "Strike Back" premier, check out these sites:
The Armitage Army @ Richard Armitage Central's facebook page has tons of premier photos HERE.
Richard Armitage Net has a few photos and several great links to photos HERE.

Thanks to RA Online, AA @ RAC and RA Net
for always having such great info, photos & links available!

Apr 15, 2010

Guns, Top Hats or Both?

So only a few more weeks and we'll get to see Richard Armitage as John Porter,
clad in camoflauge... seducing damsels... being manly and such... (pardon me as I fan myself.)
Wow.  To see more of the latest Porter pics, click HERE.

As much as I enjoy watching RA in these action/adventure type roles,
I'd really really love to see him star in another period film, my favorite genre.
I can picture him as Mr. Knightly... but let's face it, "Emma" doesn't need another remake.
Richard needs a more original role to make his own.

I recently came across THIS BLOG, which is ran by a woman screenwriter who has a role
in mind for Richard in her pending film, "Courting Bertha."  This is a love story, highlighting Potter Palmer
and Bertha Honor's early relationship, who were two of Chicago's high society back in the late 1800's.
From the looks of things, this project is in its very early stages of the film-making process, but it would be
exciting if somehow, Richard ended up portraying Potter Palmer, the lead and heartthrob.
Ms. Dellos had him in mind when writing the script, after all!

What do you think?
Would you prefer Richard to stick with action/adventure roles
(such as Lucas North and John Porter)
or would you like to see him in another period film?

Personally, I like a variety.  I enjoy Lucas and have been drooling over those Porter previews,
but seeing Richard in period costumes (Gisborne, Thornton) makes me swoon!

Apr 14, 2010

A Lucas Limerick

Gisborne had his limerick spotlight a while ago (HERE),
and now it's Lucas's turn.

There once was a fellow named Lucas,
Who belonged to Sir Harry’s “Team Spookus”

Many years he’d been spendin’
In a dank Russian prision,

Which is where he received many tattooses.

Lucas always has his cell phone handy.
He thinks “the grid” is fine & dandy.

He and Ros catch the fiends,
while wearing matching jeans,

their teamwork is rather quite grandy.

The limerick is over (short & sweet) but I have to post this picture as well for obvious reasons: