Jun 20, 2011

The RA Fan Blog Experience *updated*

It all started one April-y day,
when a cravated chap crossed my way.
My heart went a-thud!
Could this be fangurly love?
I must tell you the answer was yay.

Then I met the man dressed in all black.
(He could-a worn an old gurney sack.)
So jaded, so gloom!
Yet all I could do was *swoon*
Note to self: Get your sanity back!

That was about when this blog first started,
meant to be silly and cRAzy and light-hearted.
I just HAD to crack jokes
over our love of this bloke!
So away my creative side twas carted.

In the beginning there were only a few
other Armitage bloggers that I knew.
Then, met more and more friends,
we must've started a trend,
now it seems like the popular thing to do!

Limericks, FanstRAvaganzas and stick figures,
look-a-likes, videos and hot pictures,
a little somethin' for us all,
and I've had quite a ball
gushing over everything from guyliner to whiskers!

This has been such a fun little pastime
for a stay-at-home mom who needed "me time."
Made friends from all over,
the world feels a bit closer,
<--- brought together by our partner in crime.

I hope you've enjoyed checking out this site too.
Dear blog readers, I must say thank you!
For your comments and kindness,
and shared love of His Highness,
Though now it is time to say "adieu."

With 3 kiddos and new house a-buildin',
spare time has been something I'm missin'!
But only sort of retiring (like Brett Favre)
and will still be RAdmiring,
so check back for SFR now and then!


Not to get all overly sentimental or anything... but words really can't describe how grateful I am to you all for making this hobby extra fun for me.  I feel like I've been a big slacker lately, but that's how it goes sometimes!  If anything RA-related pops into my head, or if/when life slows down in the future... I'll be back.  (Said like the Terminator.)  Until then, there are almost 2 years worth of posts to skim through, if you're interested.  I used to post nearly every day, so there's plenty of random RA-related stuff here! :)  Also, there are so many wonderful RA blogs out there now.  Links are available on the right side of the screen under "enjoyable blogs."  I will continue to visit them when I can and add my 2 cents... so don't think you're rid of my dorkiness, fellow bloggers. haha.  I will still be checking my email, so please feel free to send me messages or leave comments, blog readers... I love to hear from you. :)

I woke up this morning to find that Mulubinba has also decided to take a break from blogging.  What a crazy coincidence!  She is one of "the few" original RA bloggers I mentioned above.  We created our blogs within a week or so of each other. Through her blog, I met Ragtag (who wrote the most hilarious JT post ever) and it was just the three of us for a while, until we were joined by several others... each adding their own "flavor" and style to the scene.  I'm bummed that Mulubinba and Ragtag are not longer blogging.  Which makes me a big ol' hypocrite, right?  (It's like I'm thinking, "Nobody else can take a break but me... I need the rest of you in place for my entertainment, dang it!")  I'm glad we can still stay in touch and that there are awesome RA blogs out there who are still rollin'.  Keep up the good work, ladies! :)     

Jun 10, 2011

The Gizzy Show Cast

(Why call it Robin Hood when we all know
it was really The Gizzy Show?)

A few weeks ago, I met Maid Marian.
Okay, so she is actually a cleaning lady named Marian
and she did a fabulous job getting my house ready to sell.

Soon after, I met Robin Hood.
Robin is actually my sister's friend who happened to be wearing a hoodie.
(It turns out he owns a set of bow and arrows too!)

I'm related to Will Scarlet...
who is my cousin's little boy Will,
with a head of scarlet hair.

I know the Sheriff.
He lives up the road from me and has a nice wife
and 4 kids.  He also has a full head of hair and all of his teeth.

Last, but not least...
I've been to Guy's house.
He is my friend's dad, who is an awesome cook.
(And I would never, ever want to see him in tight leather!!!)

It is now my goal to meet Alan A Dale,
a friar named Tuck and a girl named Djaq.

Jun 9, 2011

If Lucas North had a Stick-Figure Richard tattoo...

When I checked my messages this morning,
I was surprised to find this present waiting for me from MaidMelee:
HAHAHA!  Thanks for making me laugh, MaidMelee! :)

You can see other funny RA character
drawings by MaidMelee at her DeviantArt gallery HERE.

Jun 7, 2011

Good Stuff.

It's past midnight.
I'm exhausted from a day of taking care of kids and the
anxiety of showing our house to potential buyers for the first time.
You'd think I'd be tucked in my bed all snug as a bug...
but no.  That would just be too sensible.

Instead, I have been watching RA videos on YouTube
with tired, droopy eyes and a big smile on my face!

I really like this one by DelicateBlossom, one of my favorite "vidders,"
who put together a bunch of clips of her fanvids so that those in Germany
(and the United States and Planet Earth) could enjoy them, in case they've been
blocked before.  I loved watching this collage of RA goodness!

*Pause the blog's background music (bottom of screen) before viewing.*

Thanks for the entertainment, DB!

Nighty night.

Jun 1, 2011

A Swooning Tangent *updated*

Those of you who are in All Armitage All the Time mode~
please excuse this brief tangent, which I must get out of my system.

I have a celebrity hottie list...
or in other words, there are a cluster of talented men who
make me swoon.  (I believe "swoon" is one of my favorite words...
I wonder how many times I've used it on this blog?)

Nearly all of them are from the UK
and have appeared in at least one period film.
Some of them include Colin Firth, Matthew MacFadyen
(love the Darcies) and Toby Stephens (Rochester!)
among others.

Richard Armitage is at
the top of my list, of course!

My husband joked,
"All a movie needs is a guy with an English accent and you'll love it."
I had a good laugh at that... because he was partially right. :)
(Although he left out great acting and romance.)

Another British chap was recently added to the list:
Mr. Alfie Boe.
That guy can sing the socks off of...
anyone wearing socks!

I'm sure most of you from the UK have heard of him,
but he isn't as well known in the states... which will probably change soon.
I first saw/heard Alfie as Jean Val Jean in "Les Miserables" 25th Anniversary special on PBS.
At first, I merely thought, "Wow... that guy can SING!" and by
the end of the program, I was swooning.
Click HERE for my favorite medley.

I don't mean to offend Alfie or his fans, but I wasn't instantly attracted to Mr. Boe.  It's not
like he appeared on screen with the piercing stare of hotness while cotton fluff flew around him.

He seemed pretty ordinary-looking at first, and then I heard him
sing and saw him wearing a cravat (we all know the power of a cravat!)
and he was suddenly very gush-worthy.

Then, when I saw a series of YT vids with him "warbling" in a friend's
kitchen and joking around with a big grin on his face... I officially had a crush.
The admiration grew when I found out he married a Utah girl and has a 2nd home here!
So there's a possibility I could stalk see him perform live in the future! :)

Before I wrap up what may seem like a strange tangent post, 
here are a few similarities between Richard and Alfie:

Both have a very loyal fan base.
Richard's legions are called The Armitage Army
and Alfie's minions are called Alfie's Arrows.
Get it?  Like Boe (Bow) and Arrow! :)

Both look awesome in a beard.
I know some of you didn't care for Richard's beard, but I thought it was handsome!
Alfie's beard has its own twitter account.

Both can rock a cravat... or the lack thereof.
I'm too sexy for my cravat, too sexy for my cravat, so sexy it hurts!

Both have a bald, hilarious sidekick.
Richard's is Keith Allen, of course.  (Weren't they such a great duo in Robin Hood?)
Alfie's is Matt Lucas, who played Thenardier in Les Miz and now they're good buds.

Both wear their collars up, while gazing
into the camera lens with a "Hey, baby!" look.

Now I'd like to know,
who is on YOUR celebrity hottie list?

Update ~
Charleybrown has posted some Alfie love
on her blog (Enchanted Serenity of Period Films)
in the past, so check it out HERE.

Several photos above are
courtesy of RichardArmitageNet.com,
The RA Russian Site and AlfieBoeUK.com