Taking the large majority of your votes, the winner is...
I just love this picture! "Stop trying to undress me with your eyes, Mr. Thornton!"
Daniela did a wonderful job portraying Margaret. Her bold, outspoken character blended brilliantly with Richard's brooding, stubborn John Thornton.
(And of course we all LOVED the make-out scene at the end. *Swoon*)
While watching "North & South" with my sister-in-law, she commented that it's "nice to see a pretty leading lady with a bit of meat on her bones rather than another rail-thin actress." I had to agree. Margaret looks like a healthy, every day woman with curves and such. Definitely refreshing!
When I searched online for pictures of Daniela Denby-Ashe, I was surprised at what I found!
A more slender, modern-looking woman with various hair colors/styles. (I had only seen her in character as Margaret Hale... I didn't expect her to permanently be wearing a dress, with her hair in a bun, but it was still a surprise.) It was fun to see all of Daniela's different looks shown below:

Carol ~Sparkhouse: 4 (8%)
Margaret ~N&S: 19 (38%)
Alice ~The Impressionists: 0 (0%)
Marian ~Robin Hood: 11 (22%)
Geraldine ~Vicar of Dibley: 9 (18%)
Meg ~Robin Hood: 5 (10%)
Sue ~Moving On: 0 (0%)
Ros ~Spooks: 1 (2%) Other: 1 (2%)
We also have to give props to 2nd place winner, Lucy Griffiths who plays Marian in "Robin Hood":
And 3rd place winner, Dawn French as Geraldine in "Vicar of Dibley":
Be sure to vote on the current poll!
Any suggestions for additional poll questions? Comment/Email me!
I couldn't recognize her when she did a guest bit on Torchwood's first series. I kept looking at her thinking something was soooo familiar, finally saw her name in the credits and almost fell over! She's really great at changing her look from role to role, a great sign of someone who is an incredible actress, she disappears so that you only see her character.
I really want to go and watch Northe and South now.
I watched N&S again just recently. I had only seen Daniela in My Family and thought she was stunning as Margaret. My vote however had to go to Dawn - VoD was the first time I saw RA in anything so it is a sentimental favourite.
I voted for Daniela, of course. I loved the couple Thornton/Margaret so much. I haven't seen Daniela in any other work, anyway. I loved Dawn French/ Geraldine Granger too in her - rather improbable - romance with Harry Jasper Kennedy.But Richard is so convincing in that role that you are led to believe that possible.
I loved Margaret, Carole and Marian. I haven't seen any of them in anything else though, and would like to. I especially loved Carole (Sarah Smart) her face is so expressive. Marian really grew on me, and Margaret rose to the challenge. Overall of course Margaret was the best match for Thornton, more than Carole was for John, and of COURSE more than Marian was for Guy!
Margaret matched him in intellect, emotion and together they were the glamour couple of the mid 1800s. Carole is a wild fire compared to John's stable rock. I think she would sometimes find him frustratingly slow.
Of course Marian was too good for Guy and could never supplant the Sheriff in his hierarchy.
Margaret Hale from North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell is one of the extraordinary heroines of Classic Lit. Elizabeth Gaskell isn't quite as known or as celebrated as Dickens or the Brontes, people who had been big friends of hers, according to her biography, but she was a gifted writer in her own right and her talent shows in this wonderful gem which I will reread again in the not-so-distant future.
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