It's Memorial Day Weekend in the USA...
a time when we remember those who have passed away.
Most of us put flowers on loved-ones graves and spend time with family.
Some of us take advantage of the long weekend and go on short vacations.
(My family is going camping. Bring on the s'mores!) It also marks the beginning of summer
and I've been told between now and Labor Day, it's okay to wear white shoes or something.
(Um... I wouldn't know, being fashion-challenged and all.)
So in honor of remembering those who have gone, let's take a minute
to focus on Sir Guy of Gisborne, one of Richard Armitage's most popular characters.
to focus on Sir Guy of Gisborne, one of Richard Armitage's most popular characters.
Young Guy, aka: the non-RA Gisborne:
Poor Guy... sweet and innocent before life throws him a few curve balls.
(And before he had stubble.)
Guy & Marian:
The way he looks at her... *sigh*
The eyes:

One of the few exceptions when a man can wear makeup and look hot.
Mr. Leather:
Nobody rocks the black leather like Gizzy... nobody.
My personal favorite look~ Season 3 with the long hair!
The brooding!
One of the most bitter-sweet moments of the Robin Hood series:
As much as I love Guy's bad boy edge, I'm glad he showed his good side in the end
and died fighting beside his brother and Robin. *sob*
Richard made Gisborne more than just a baddie.
He brought depth and humanity to a character we probably shouldn't like,
but can't help love.
He brought depth and humanity to a character we probably shouldn't like,
but can't help love.
Guy ... sigh!
Somehow killing off peasants didn't seem wrong when he was the one doing it. He surely was THE one and only true hero of RH, even more so than Jonas Armstrong.
Richard's talent was what uplifted this show onto unusual heights. Sir Guy will always have a place in my heart.
+1 to both Nat and flandersdreamer! Anything else I say would just be a repetition!
Well spoken! Err, no, well written! *applause*
One of my favourite GoG scenes is the tavern scene with Robin when they are trying to come up with a plan to rescue Archer...OY that makes me laugh & giggle everytime - love GoG's smirk when he thinks Robin's gonna be arrested...
However, Guy in season 2 will always be my favourite for pure *squee* moments - yes s1 & s3 are lovely but the hair/the stubble/the leather/the plotting & coniving and especially the moments of goodness/humanity all peak in s2 - I know I know he kills her but up to
Enjoy your weekend Nat! Happy Camping!
Ah...Guy...I miss him
I agree...Richard made what could have been a "cartoon" villain into a multidimensional person and made us hope for his redemption. Not only was he lovely to look at, but he made us feel Guy's heartache. So instead of hating Guy, we all wished we were Marian so we could run away with the man in black leather, and wondered watching each episode what Marian ever saw in that Robin Hood kid.
Sigh! Fab post Nat! How did I miss that picture of his eyes lit by candlelight?!!
I still haven't watched the complete end of the series (although I have seen all the spoilers in the fanvids). I guess I can't bear for it to end. Hubby is away this weekend so I am going on a DVD watching frenzy!
Thanks for the post, and have a great weekend!
Guy was the first RA character I saw, so no wonder I'm in love with him! He stole the show in my mind.
Because of Guy I started liking Richard Armitage, and even though "he is not alive" he will always be living in my heart and in my thoughts. so...
Isn't that just the conundrum of the RH series? Mr. A just marched in stole the show. To the credit of Foz Allen and Dom Minghella, in an early interview, they recognized that Gisborne was a "Robin manque", by the turn of fate. And that is what RA recognised also, and, as the actor he is, made the character.
Every so often, I sit back and say, "Whoa! This was aimed at kids! And I'm analysing it from an adult viewpoint! Blame it on Richard Armitage. He's a dedicated actor, and determined to make the most of every character with whom he is presented. And, along the way, I think he brought a good model to the younger set, who love the one-dimensional villains: the subtle moral side, that even "villains" may be not so black and white, and that there might be hope for them...
Anyway, a great Memorial Day weekend, all further south! And wear your white shoes as long as you want, Nat!
Love your post Nat, well said, like Traxy said, anything I would say would be a repetition.
Love the Mr. Leather pics!
tyme_4_tea, I'm with you, S2 Guy is my absolute FAVE for all the reasons you mentioned.
Long live Gisborne! (and thanks to fan fic he will, LOL!)
Poor Guy! I miss him!
Thanx for the post Nat and reminding me what Memorial Day is about. Guy has "Stolen" my heart like Veritas production put so well on YouTube!!
Have a great weekend!!
Have a safe and relaxing Memorial Day.
Requiescecat in pace my Black Knight!
I've been off the grid for a few months but I believe you made a comment on my blog that you have a picture of RA smoking? Would love to see it!
Smoking! Surely not!!! What about the voice/breath-control, etc. etc.! A clip from a TV role, perhaps?
I'm with fitzg on that one! Smoking, I so hope not! He doesn't look like a smoker (I'm basing this as a professional who has had to treat many smokers, I don't mean this as a judgement). I would be surprised if he did smoke in RL.
Plus, Nat, didn't you have some sort of poll about what RA might smell like? I thought someone had the definitive answer as they got to meet him and they said he smelled like cologne. Well, in that case, if he is a smoker then he can't be a heavy one.
As I remember the picture was taken during filming for North and South when the cast was on a smoke break. It looked rather strange to see people in Victorian costumes with a cigarette in their hands! But I understand he has quit smoking since then, afterall that was 6 years ago!
Whhhaaattt? Smoker?!?! Wow a blemish! Crazy. Glad to hear that he has quit. Can't see it. Just like I can't see Prez Obama as a smoker either. Crazy. Just crazy.
Phylly3, glad to hear he quit! I think people in the UK tend to smoke more than here in the US anyways, or people in Europe in general are more socially accepting of smoking than we are. I think we were one of the first countries who banned smoking in public places (I know it's a state by state thing, but still it has gradually fallen out of favor over the past 10-15 years).
@Rob, yeah, I'm with you. Obama as a smoker is crazy to me too! A friend of mine got to meet him before the election and she said he really smelled of smoke! But supposedly he has cut down since then. So, if RA was still a smoker I think he wouldn't smell of cologne but of smoke. That's a smell that pretty much can't be covered up.
Actually, the U.K. and Ireland really lowered the boom on public smoking a couple of years ago. So did France. A bit of a surprise, as smoking was major-widespread there in all three.
Don't think the initiative (which is provincial, not federal), has had quite as much sucess in Quebec, though. Could be wrong...
Honestly, I don't think people had more sympathy for Gisborne than in that Episode. He basically lost both his parents and his home in a single day, whilst still little more than a kid himself. He's supposed to be what 15, 16?
Then he's driven out of his home village and forced to go live in a foreign country without any money, but with a sister to look after. No wonder he was rough around the edges and had a mean streak.
I do personally think though that they should have hinted at Robin and Gisborne knowing each other from childhood earlier, maybe in Season One or Two. It would have provided a more logical basis for Gisborne's resentment of Robin and his desire to have his own lands.
It might also have given an edge to his relationship with Marian, because honestly, I think her throwing him over for Robin Hood must have been like what happened with his mother all over again.
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