but now it's YOUR turn to ask the big questions...
directed to the one and only Stick-Figure Richard.
This is your chance to find out more about the fellow behind the stick figure image. Please leave your question (one per commenter, please) for SFR
in the comments section of this post. Several questions will be selected
and answered in the next SFR video. (And those that aren't will be addressed in a later video or post.)
If you're an anonymous commenter because you don't have a google account, please leave a nickname or initials so that I can keep you straight. Thanks!
what is sfr's favourite book?
How do maintain that incredibly slim figure when I've heard that you're very fond of food and would like to hook up with a woman who shares this interest?
If you went on "Top Gear" to do the "Star in a Reasonably Priced Car" lap, do you think you could beat SFHarry?
{This is such a great idea Nat!!Knowing there is another SFR vid in the works is as exciting at anticipating Series 9 of [spooks]!}
Dear SFR,
Please forgive me for being nosy but why are you so happy NOT to have a nose? I thought you looked so handsome with John Thornton's nasal appendage!
Your devoted flandersdreamer.
Dear SFR,
What do you think of your fans? And do they really throw pants at you?
What type of woman is SFR looking for? And where would he take her on a date?
dear Sticky-Dicky-figure :) what's the secret of your diet?
Do you have a DIY tool belt and do you wear and use it? Also what's your least favourite DIY job?
(sorry Nat that two questions, being greedy here!)
Dear SFR
We know that you enjoy your food, so do you enjoy cooking and if so what favourite meal would you cook for yourself and the girl of your dreams?
Please ignore Dezmond :D your name is not Sticky Dicky!!!!!
dear SFR,
what to you have to say about the fact that you are more adorable and way cuter that RA himself - despite not having the nose or the cheekbones :P
do you know how does RA feels about it?
yours ever
Sticky-Dicky... HAHA! Thanks for making me laugh out loud, Dez.
I feel it's my duty to spice things up in this fan-cave :)))
Dear SFR,
what do you enjoy doing in your spare time, meaning what are your hobbies?
Dear SFR,
Have you ever dreamed of meeting your "twin," RA, himself? And if given the chance, what do you think your and his reaction would be?
(sorry Nat, two parter question there)
SFR, do you have a girlfriend? [hint, hint, wink, wink]
Dear SFR,
Where does your inspiration come from? How do you keep yourself motivated? Also, what kind of hair products do you use and how often do you have to trim your sideburns?
Yours always,
Beloved Stick-Figure Richard, How are you, love? I wish to ask thee one question, and one question only. 'Tis: How do you manage to make us RA fans swoon, despite essentially being composed of 5 lines, a circle, and a few drawn-in details? Your aura is amazing; you portray emotions as beautifully as your gorgeous human counterpart. :D Your mommy is so talented! Thanks aplenty, Nat!
Dear SFR,
Thoroughly enjoyed the "What Season should have looked like video"! My question: How do you respond to those that might say you are so one-dimensional?
Dear SFR,
I love looking at you on my desk. I hope you love where you're perched, but I'm wondering if you prefer to be under glass or au naturel?
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