Since landing a role in Peter Jackson's The Hobbit
is the equivalent to winning the Hollywood version of the

Mr. Armitage will now have his pick of roles.
So this got me thinking, if I could choose a role for him what would it be?
Disclaimer: I know Mr. Armitage can get his boxer briefs in a bit of a bunch when it comes to fans
telling him what kind of parts to take. So I just wanted to say that, I am not trying to tell him
or anyone else what parts he should take, I am just dreaming out loud here.
Side note to Mr. Armitage: I will pretty much watch you in any part you take,
unless you go the Saw route. I just can't handle those movies.
Are we cool Mr. Armitage? I hope so.
Are we cool Mr. Armitage? I hope so.
My all time dream role for him would be ...
I know. I know. Rupert Penry-Jones was pretty fab as Captain Wentworth.
I know. I know. Rupert Penry-Jones was pretty fab as Captain Wentworth.
I would just like to see our man playing the brooding jilted Captain. There is something about
loving someone for eight years, even as Anne Elliot says, "All hope is gone."
That just kills me every single time. This is my favorite Austen novel.
My next pick would be ...
And yes, Toby Stephens was wonderful as Rochester,
but I'd still like to see this Mr. Armitage in this dark gothic role. I think he would lend a
humanity and sympathy for the character that would make audiences turn to butter.
And lastly, I would love to see him play a vampire too.
Not in anything in particular, just a vamp.
Not in anything in particular, just a vamp.
If you could pick a part for RA, what would you choose?
What do you think of my choices? I know how RA fans like to hold back their opinions (NOT),
so just fire away in the comment section below.
Been a card caring fan since 2005, after my first viewing of North & South, but it wasn't until I stumbled across Nat's blog that I became a bit more ardent in my obsession, err um, interest. My fav fan sites/blogs are this one (of course), Me + Richard Armitage and RichardArmitageOnline. As much as I love, RA, I enjoy the community that has popped up around his fandom even more. Although, I am happily married, I consider Mr. Armitage my pretend hubs. Just kidding. Not really. Well, sort of.
@ Rob. I would like to see him in a Du Maurier adaptation - Maxim de Winter in Rebecca for one. I like both your suggestions too :)
Lovely suggestions. I wish I felt strongly about this subject, but really, I'd just like to see more of him. Any role will do. I'd probably even suffer through a sickening Saw movie. Though I'd rather not. I suppose I would like to see him in another romantic comedy. He's brilliant when he plays a serious role, but I so dearly love to see him laugh. Great topic BTW. I can't wait to read other opinions.
I've recently read that there might be a new version of 'Anna Karenina' with Keira Knightley as the lead and Joe Wright in the director's chair ('Pride & Prejudice' & 'Atonement'). Imagine RA as Vronsky in such a high profile movie... I'd be very, very happy if he got the part.
Wonderful post @rob and I love the parts you've selected for him.You're absolutely right about RA playing Mr. Rochester.
I would love to see him play Uhtred of Bebbanburg on the screen, either as a TV series or as a film or series of films based on Bernard Cornwell's novels. After listening to his performance in "The Lords of the North" how can anyone else be Uhtred!
On the lighter side, I like mysteries, and would love to see him play art historian and detective Jonathan Argyll based on Iain Pears series of novels. Mystery, romance, art, Italy, and Richard...what could be better than that! (I don't think any of the books have been filmed?).
I'm so glad you found Nat's blog! Loving your choices. But I would throw in Mr. Knightley. He would be absolute perfection in that part and all the others as well. LOL!
I would love some Georgette Heyer adaptions. RA as SYvester or Vidal..... *SWOON*
I'm lovin' these suggestions!!! RA should fire his agent (s) and hire us to suss out his next role. Don't ya think???
@ Mul - LOVE REBECCA one of my all time fav movies. Great call! It always seems to air around the holidays too. Must re-watch!!!
@Alfie - I would love to see him play Earl of Rule from Heyer's Convient Marriage. It is my fav of the "heyer" audio books.
@ Little -- An intelligent RomCom with him at as the lead would be delightful. He needs to put that smile to work! STAT!!!
@ Joy - Joe Wright is one of my fave directors.
@ Musa - I have not listened to Lords of the North YET. Mystery, romance and art -- that sounds like a perfest RA cocktail of yummy *swoonness*.
@ bZ - Knightly...hmmm...could he top jeremy northam? :)
Lovely post @Rob, and I agree with your suggestions, infact any leading man in any Period Drama would be super!
I too would love him to play Uhtred, that role would be truly special for me, also Lord Damerel would be heavenly.
I also dream of him uttering..
'My name is Bond, James Bond'
Wow, what a great guest blogger post @Rob...:)
I like all the roles others have suggested...Lots of "period" films...Richard does those well...
I just read that Steven Spielberg cast Daniel Day Lewis as Abraham Lincoln...Liam Neeson was not available...
I would think that Richard would make a great Lincoln..He could do the sideburns well..and he has the emotion and skill to play a beloved and multi-dimensional character...Plus, Richard is older now so it's not like a boy-toy would be playing a man's role...
Yes, he would have to work on his American accent..but he's got the rest down...
I agree with others that I wouldn't want to see him in Saw films...Or other slasher films....
I don't think he would go that route unless he was desperate...
@Joy: I've just read about a new version of Anna Karenina too. And you're absolutely right!! Who would be a better Vronsky than Richard?? Would you leave your husband and son for anyone else than him? I thought not:-D
I would lurve to see him as Heathcliffe <3.
To see him as a vampire would be interesting - perhaps if they ever make another Vampire Chronicles film? Not sure what character though - he's not exactly a Lestat :P
Agree with Bond suggestion. Either Bond or Doctor Who would be the most epic role in existence:)
@ Rob, great topic, great post but a hard one for me.
I'd be happy to see him in almost anything, no horror movies for me eithern.
I love Persuasion but I thought the last cast was awesome and therefore I am not sure if I would want him to be in it.
Lords of the North would be great, haven't listened to the audio book, but I love this period as well.
I know therehave been tones of movies on this topic, but an iteligent one on King Artur with him in it would be great.
Also a contemporary film in which he plays a happy character would be great.
Yes, he would make a great Lincoln. Altho, DDL ain't too bad either.
About Bond, I am not sold. I really love Daniel Craig as Bond.
Any more modern roles you'd like to see him in???? He just got to play RA playing RA on stage this weekend. :)
Rochester! Always Mr. Rochester. <3
I would watch him in absolutely anything (or in nothing at all!);)
I've posted about him as James Bond, so there's that. But I would also love a clever romcom or...a musical!
Like my latest suggestion:
John Thornton in the sequel of N&S :p
@Philly love those pics on your site!
@ Anon hmmm there could easily be a sequel Margaret and Mrs. Thornton alone could give us a few hours as they fight over JT. :)
Yeah am not so sold on the Bond role for RA, I too like Daniel Craig as Bond. Can see him doing a Lucas/006-y Sean Bean role in a Bond movie, goodie turned baddie more complex character though. And think they're supposed to be filming the Bond film next autumn wouldn't that fit in with RA's schedule? Don't think he's got anything planned then has he?
Oh and a True Blood role would suit him too, but have mentioned that in earlier blog.
And yes! Would love him in a lead romantic comedy film, we need more of the cuddly Harry-RA on our screens :)
I know there has been so many films about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table but I would really like to see RA play Sir Lancelot. His portrayal would bring something fresh and new to the role.
I'd also like to see him in a horror role, something similar to The Shining. Kind of psychological horror. Oh and something in the sci-fi genre, too. :)
Oh yes, I could so see him as Sir Lancelot...
I think he would prefer to play a "baddie" in a Bond film...He has said that he finds the bad characters more interesting...Plus, I don't think he wants to be typecast as James Bond..He wants to be able to play a variety of roles...That's understandable...
So glad you're a guest blogger, @rob!
This is a tough one. I've stated I want to see him in things like Daniel Day-Lewis and Russell Crowe have done. "In the Name of the Father" and "Cinderella Man" are the two I'm thinking of at the moment, but there are several others that usually come to mind.
But really I'm so far gone in my fanaticism about Richard Armitage, that I'm happy to see him in anything.
I miss you! But I'm so happy for you, and I guess it's obvious I have a soft spot for you. Even thought about throwing a shower on my blog, but I wasn't sure that was really appropriate in the middle of all that junk I have over there. But I am sending you something I recently found and love. The woman who makes them only makes a few of each design, and anyone interested, can visit her site here. Sorry for this tangent in the middle of this comment, but this seemed like as good a place as any, and even though I don't know Rosa, something in me wants to help her out.
Just to clarify, I don't want him to reprise those roles. I would just like to see him in some pieces of that quality.
I have a question, do you think you are either on Team Rochester or Team Heathcliff? Me, I am on Team Rochester all the way. Heathcliff doesn't appeal to me because I need to know that underneath all that angst and anger is a tender heart beating.
Thanks for all the kind comments! It has been so nice hearing what you all have to say!!! @ Nat thanks for letting me be a guest blogger it is so much fun. :)
I'm firmly Team Rochester. Heathcliff drove me crazy.
Thanks to @Rob for the guest post!
I wanted to see RA as the grown-up Harry Potter in the "19 years later..." tid bit at the end of Deathly Hallows pt. 2. Instead, I hear they're going with computerized aging. How rude.
I'd love to see Richard in another period film (any... just get that man in another cravat, stat!) or romantic comedy for a change of pace.
As for Rochester vs. Heathcliff... Team Rochester, all the way! (But TS was such an awesome Rochester, I don't know if anyone else could compare in my mind.)
Thanks, Frenz. :)
@RA Frenz -- Totally agree that love story bugged me. They were too cruel to one another. I had a hard time finding sympathy for them.
@ Nat -- It would take a bit of magic to have Harry "grow" that tall. :) LOL "get the man a cravat stat!!" Love it.
As for him playing another baddie...I would like to see him play the hero just ONCE. I would also like to see him NOT be killed off.
Thoughtful post!
Like @littlevictories, I haven't considered roles for him at all. As long as they have substance (and make sense!). They can be light-hearted, tragic or in-between. I don't care for comic book films though or remakes and reboots and I am tired of action men ad am not partial to beefcake.
My only fantasy so far is to see him play someone really vain or a really grey, dull man.
Oh, forgot the other adjective for the dull man- 'pathetic'.
another vote for Team Rochester. Heathcliff and well, C/Kathy, were just creepy. I tried to read the book last winter and finally took it back to the librarian..she hated it too. RA as Rochester..oh the possibilities!
But to think of a sequel to N&S..oh. my. gosh. I feel faint...
John Porter
@ Pi Glad I didn't sound like a fanwank. :)
@ Sun should we get you a handkerchief and your smelling salts to revive you? :)
To my fellow Yanks Happy Thanks giving. To the rest of the world Happy Thursday.
I will have another post next week that is sure to stir up some controversy!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the rest of my fellow US RA mavens celebrating on Thursday. Safe travels if you're on the road today.
A dull man? Hope there's a producer, or director who has the imagination to cast him in that type of role, going against his physical appearance.
@Rob, so sorry to respond so late (family over the whole week for TDay!) but love your post!
I think RA does angst so well, which is why I think he'd be a dream to see in the role of Wentworth, or Rochester (Great picks @Rob!) But I like the Knightley idea too because I think he's great at comedy.
Can't say I like the idea of him being a vamp though. And definitely not any horror type flick, yikes!
Now that I really think about it, it looks like I keep thinking of him in period roles (BTW, is the Hobbit considered a period role? It's not exactly present day, is it.)
Before I knew about the Hobbit, I had wanted to see him in some fantasy/adventure story as that was really the only genre I could think of that he hadn't done. Now he has or will! The other type of role I'd like to see him do is something involving kids. I don't think i've really seen him do that so I think it would force him to try something different.
@Nat, yeah, I've definitely seen the Daniel Radcliff and RA similarity...computerized aging, I don't like the sound of that :(
But whatever role he takes on, I hope he gets to keep his awesome British accent, it's so part of his charm :) Spoken like a true American, LOL!
I am finding his choice of roles diverse and interesting. However, not a fan of Vampire or horror movies.
I think it would be interesting to see him do roles like Cary grant used to do. Could you imagine a remake of An Affair to Remember? or the Bishop's Wife? (and yes, I guess I am that old!)Yummmm......
First Happy Thanksgiving to all the Yanks and Happy Thursday to everyone else..:) To all bloggers and those who comment on them..."Thanks" for "Giving" me something to look forward to each week. :) :)
I like the idea of Richard as an older Harry Potter..Remember Richard in Vicar of Dibley with his accountant glasses and striped sweater?...He's already got the look...Maybe he could be Harry Potter's older brother...;)
Oooo, RA as Rochester would be fantastical!!! Heathcliff too. Hmmmmm, what else? Here's my list of "dream roles": (imho) Captain Jaggery from"The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" (villain), Jeb from "Maximum Ride" (wildcard, would have to have American accent). There are more; just can't remember them! ;P There are some books that I'll read and I can just picture him in!!! lahv him! :D
Oooo, RA as Rochester would be fantastical!!! Heathcliff too. Hmmmmm, what else? Here's my list of "dream roles": (imho) Captain Jaggery from"The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" (villain), Jeb from "Maximum Ride" (wildcard, would have to have American accent). There are more; just can't remember them! ;P There are some books that I'll read and I can just picture him in!!! lahv him! :D
i would LOVE to see him as either heathcliff, mr. darcy, or mr. rochester. i would faint should i find out he took any of these....
Definitely Team Rochester. Except I had a major crush on Heathcliff from the age of 11...
Putting in a plug for an Anne Perry mini-series, with Mr. A as William Monk.
Or "Charles Todd's" Ian Rutledge...(OK, so I love murder mysteries).
This was posted on RAOnline:
The Rover Richard Armitage has mentioned in several interviews his year the possibility of appearing in a production of Aphra Behn's The Rover next year.
Although there's been no announcement about it, the English Touring Theatre said on 26th November on Facebook (and Twitter) "Had a great read-through of The Rover with Richard Armitage yesterday! Went very well and got some great feedback, so we're excited!"
We might get to see him on stage in a period peice. Yay!
Anne Rice agrees with me RA would make a good vamp!
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