The upcoming RA film I'm VERY excited to see is "The Hobbit."
(Big Tolkien fan and love The Lord of the Rings trilogy.)
(Big Tolkien fan and love The Lord of the Rings trilogy.)
There was a Hobbit press conference held early Friday morning in New Zealand
(Thursday night in my part of the world) with many of the cast present, including our favorite future dwarf.
I normally don't like beards too much... but I'm diggin' Richard's shagginess! (Aidan Turner's too.)
(Thursday night in my part of the world) with many of the cast present, including our favorite future dwarf.
I normally don't like beards too much... but I'm diggin' Richard's shagginess! (Aidan Turner's too.)
Here are the "Richard bits" of the press conference.
Thanks to bccmee for uploading it to YouTube!
*Pause the blog's background music (bottom of screen) before viewing*
Visit bccmee's YouTube channel to see more clips of the press conference.
Here are a few more pics from the event:
Some of The Hobbit cast-
Whose bright idea was it to stick Richard in the back!? You're fired.
(They must have heard about him stealing all the scenes in Robin Hood...
or don't want his scraggly beauty to distract unsuspecting viewers.)
Scoot over, Bilbo.
We need a better view of the furrow-browed, bearded one.

Check out more press conference pics HERE.
(Including one of beard + crinkles!)
I wish this film was ready already.
Thanks to Richard Armitage Net for the links to great pictures!
"Would you like to be a little more specific?" That voice!!! I'm falling for him all over again! I can't believe it but he looks really good in that beard:-D I can't wait for The Hobbit either. This waiting is killing me.
"Whose bright idea was it to stick Richard in the back!? You're fired." LMAO
"Scoot over, Bilbo.
We need a better view of the furrow-browed, bearded one."
My exact thoughts. That's damn good casting all around, I CANNOT wait for this movie. Will physically hurt to wait for it.
@Eva..just the other day I thought to myself, "I think I'm over this RA thing now. Sanity has claimed me again." *taking a deep breath* I lied. So not over it.
At least he showed good manners, in more ways than one. The guy next to him creeped me out the way he kept scratching his beard. Ick! I know beards are scratchy at first, but you're on camera for Pete's Sake!! Our bearded guy sat there like a gentlemam sans scratching.
Hola everyone! This news is what I was expecting!! oh my god I'm dying!! I'm so excited, I can not coordinate what I'm doing! haaaaaaaa!!!!!
I'm happy. The best way to start the weekend! Besos from Argentina.
PS. It kills me to see Richard with beards oh my god!
How I adore the 'furrow browed, bearded one' :)
NovemberBride, you will never be over RA, it is a lifetime affliction:) :)
Love the beard. Absolutely adore the voice, as always.
Nobody puts Richard in the corner. He's looking pretty adorable and well rested. Altho, a wee bit nervous during this press conference, which I found totally endearing. I was in such a tizzy over the beard, hubs actually got jealous. So cute.
I didn't even know about this till one of my favorite guys at work sent me a link to movie web (where there are videos and more photos). I am so excited about the project.
They seem to already be forming a team - loved the way they were all jabbing at him.
So did you miss me? I have been snowed under at work and I have been BUSY the rest of the time. I need sleep and a dwarf to keep me warm.
I liked this press conference. I wondered if RA was ever going to speak but thanks to Bccmee's vid. I hung in there. His whole posture and demeanour is starting to become Thorinesque - it certainly won him a few extra votes of approval from the TORn critics. The fact he stood back in the photo also won him some approval BTW. I think RA played this to perfection - I wondered if he was nervous or just uncomfortable about being in the conference .... he did a great job with his answers. I can't get over the lower voice tones ... was he hoarse or is this Thorin?
I think he gets a bit uncomfortable by all this, but also I think he wanted to be nice and let others speak and not the the focus of the event. I notice that when someone brought up about Lord of the Rings "fans" [or Onering fans] Richard was looking down or did not want to jump in. I don't think he wanted to go there about fans because he knows he is bringing a huge female fan base to this movie. Maybe it makes him feel embarrassed or shy? He was a gentleman. Very thoughtful in his answers.
I love his beard and his muscles when he put his arms on the table. Thank you Richard for wearing short sleeves! LOL
Theonering group thawed a bit briefly after someone mentioned the Christmas message. His apology for being late with pictures hit home with one naysayer. I don't get out anywhere too much these days so I haven't followed up.
Excellent post...the beard!
Keep up the good work!
Rats! I was too late to watch the video. It has been taken down. Serves me right for not compulsively checking this site as I normally do. Does anyone have a link that is still working? My inner RAddict would really appreciate it.
Hola Little Victories Here you can see the full press conference. I never tire of saying that Richard is incredibly sexy with that beard, grrrr Besos
Hola Little Victories Here you can see the full press conference, I never tire of saying that Richard is incredibly sexy with that beard grrr Besos
Little Victories here
Hola Natalie, I do not understand why does not my comment with the link to Little Victories
Beth! You're my hero. Send it to my email if you can:
It may have thought that the link was spam, so the site blocked your comment. But I should be able to get it in an email. I appreciate it if you can send it to me, if not thanks for thinking of me anyway. =)
I think there is a link on that works, littlevictories. :)
Here is the link: I hope it works, but if not go to site. :)
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