Do you ever feel
possessive about your favorite things?
I do!
The left cushion of our love seat is mine.
(Nobody better sit there on movie night!)
Sometimes I'll discover something I love and take it over...
like one of my husband's old t-shirts that I've claimed for a
pajama/lounge-around-on-Sunday shirts. It, too, is now mine.
And then there's Richard Armitage.
I've never felt territorial about my favorite actor before.
In fact, since being hit with Thornton Syndrome a few years
back ("Oh the good ol' days, so long ago" *said in my best granny
voice, like I'm an old timer now*), I've felt that it was my
responsibility to spread the RA love.
I haven't had much success in bringing
others "into the fold," but I've tried, dang it!
I've tried.
I've tried.
Today, I was browsing my personal facebook account,
when I noticed a family friend had posted something about
loving Richard Armitage as Thorin... and went off about him
and how amazing he is. I immediately felt excited that I could
FINALLY discuss RA with someone I knew in "real life."
Then, I felt a twinge of... possessiveness!
Suddenly, I DID feel territorial!
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Grrrr!!! |
A stream of senseless thoughts rushed through my head:
Who does this girl think she is!?
I know SO much more about Richard than she does!
I bet she hasn't even watched "Vicar of Dibley" yet.
Then I realized how CRAZY my
thoughts were and snapped out of it quickly!
Wow. How embarrassing!
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Humph! |
Something similar happened a few weeks ago,
when a bunch of male family members were discussing
"The Hobbit" and the different dwarf characters. One person
mentioned Thorin and I had to refrain myself from spouting
off all sorts of information about Thorin and the guy
who plays him in a know-it-all voice.
CRAZY, I tell ya!!!
These territorial feelings are so strange to me because:
1. I'm no longer obsessed with Richard Armitage.
(I was for the first 6 months to a year of being an admirer.
I can admit that now.) He is still my favorite actor,
but he doesn't consume my thoughts. My husband has
always been my #1 and only true love. So what's the deal!?!
(I am not judging anyone who is currently obsessed with RA. It's probably that
dang Thornton's fault anyway. That show should come with a warning label!)
2. As long as I've been an RA fan, I've wanted to share
his talent with others... so why the sudden possessiveness???
Is it because he's becoming more and more popular
and doesn't feel like our best kept secret any more?
3. Richard is not a love seat cushion.
(Although Gizzy's leather sometimes reminds me of a couch I once knew.)
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How DARE you!!! |
I'm not sure why I had these odd reactions recently,
but that's why I'm seeing my therapists (YOU)
for professional RA help.
Has something similar ever happened to you???
Do share.
I do understand, I understand you completely - LOL
No one that I know has confessed knowing about Richard, but I can foresee this happening with The Hobbit and I can well imagine feeling possessive. But I'm comforted by the knowledge I'll know more about him than they will! I know I can feel protective about him, I can see that happening with The Hobbit too - LOL
Thanks Nat for another good laugh and yes it has!
Much like yours, my RA obsession has lessened. He is still my favourite actor but I too have a wonderful husband and he is my #1. I agree Thornton is to blame for sure for that crush! Your blog and others have helped me to not feel weird about my teenage like crush when I am clearly middle aged ;)- according to RA since I am just 9 month younger than him.
I have been feeling possessive recently in my private world, thinking that pretty soon our best kept secret will be out and then everyone will be falling for him - which anyone in their right mind should but hey he is OURS!
so yeah, coming to your blog, reading your thoughts always nailing it is our form of therapy and we can all together enjoy his rise to world fame!
Oh I am sooo in the "obsessive" phase.Darn that Thornton cravat and Gizzy leather! I am actually hoping it will subside but with the Hobbit coming soon, maybe not so much...The good news is I am not as worried about my sanity as I was before. Maybe the meds have to
Interestingly enough, in my short time as an RA neurotic, I have noticed that some fans can be possessive. Reeeeel possessive. It is understandable because you all knew him when. We new fans and those that will probably come to be fans in December have not earned our stripes. We have not been around long enough to prove that our nuttiness is not a flight of fancy, that we will not throw RA away as soon as a new dwarf or mill owner comes into the picture. I understand the possessiveness. BTW, he is MINE.
Oh I am sooo in the "obsessive" phase.Darn that Thornton cravat and Gizzy leather! I am actually hoping it will subside but with the Hobbit coming soon, maybe not so much...The good news is I am not as worried about my sanity as I was before. Maybe the meds have to
Interestingly enough, in my short time as an RA neurotic, I have noticed that some fans can be possessive. Reeeeel possessive. It is understandable because you all knew him when. We new fans and those that will probably come to be fans in December have not earned our stripes. We have not been around long enough to prove that our nuttiness is not a flight of fancy, that we will not throw RA away as soon as a new dwarf or mill owner comes into the picture. I understand the possessiveness. BTW, he is MINE.
Hilarious picture of Porter growling. Made me laugh outloud when I scrolled down. Thanks Nat. I don't think I'm possessive, but I have to remember that not everyone is as enamored as I am -- they really don't WANT all the RA information floating around in my brain.
Hi Nat!
Do you think it might be a natural response towards the future proliferation of a more 'casual' or 'pedestrian' RA fan?
Most of the previous spreading of RA love has been to convert the unexposed to the rapture that is RA ecstasy, yes? ;) And hasn't it always been the most fun to share the love with others who have been equally moved and impacted by RA's performances?
I don't think you are possessive of others 'discovering' RA, but perhaps you are feeling a little anxiety towards the mainstreaming of his name, whereby the responses may simply be tepid or 'meh' and not the joyful rapturous splendor we all enjoy? ;)
I mean, we love the adventures of Little Guy within our small community... but how would we feel if Little Guy came with every Happy Meal and we had to see Little Guys strewn about on every sidewalk and street corner and in trash bins? We might think, 'Hey, where is the reverence? Where is the respect?'
At any rate, all I can say is that NO ONE, EVER, EVER will eclipse the splendor and GENIUS that is Stick Figure Richard. That, my dear, is truly and forever YOURS (and SO appreciated by us all). :)
Yes,there is a little possessivenes but it isn't alarming,in the other hand I have this Armitage Protection Mood and that is worrying! ;)
BTW..that "Humph!"picture always makes me smile and giggle:D
WE are your theRApists? HAHAHAHAHA! Oh honey, have a cocktail.
Love sharing RA love with all of you. I don't think I am obsessive but I do note RA's hotness as well as his talent. I do have a life outside of RA, but RA consumes my thoughts some of the time..well how could he not for any of us...LOL
Other's in my life have discussed The Hobbit and they are unaware of Richard. They comment on the dwarves but are not as wrapped up in Thorin. Can't wait for more people to come to realize Richard's talents. It may inspire more widespread RA love or at least more recognition for a really good actor. :)
Yeah! Sharing my love here and loving all this. :):)
:D Old enough to be his mum. (Not too old for a crush, though) Who needs a therapist???
Natalie, I'm going to dub you "normal". Anything we may know about that others come to a knowledge of later is potentially something that may provoke, "I knew it!!" :D
Other than that, LMAO at Jazzbaby. LOL!!
Love the pix of him with his beard and his arms crossed..he looks older but distinguished, successful, and of course hot! Yet he looks normal too..not like some over the top superstar. I could see him as a hubby of any one of us...fitting in with the normal crowd. that is what makes him so attractive. :)
Unlike you other ladies, I am too sane and sensible to have a crush on a "mere" aKtor. I mean, really ... how ridickaluss! I keep my thoughts of RA down to a manageable 24 X a day, (that comes to once every hour), and that does not take into account the length of that 24 X, which sometimes can range well past ... um ... 60 minutes.)
So, you see, you ought to TRY and maintain some semblance of discipline (as I do) and not go gaga over a mere ... ... aKtor!
I think this is called group theRApy ;) ROFL
Great advice Jazzbaby - think I'll have another cocktail too. (now how do I do one of the taped mouths smilies here...???)
I like this group therapy :):)
It's incrediable how RA fans have so because yes I too feel possesive and not sure how to take it. Just yesterday I was thinking about when The Hobbit comes out RA will be a household name and came to the conclusion that I don't think I'm ready to see him in the media on a daily basis...running to Starbucks for his morning coffee, taking his dog for a so many other hollywood actors. By the way, love the music. Also Stick Figure Richard.
Sorry, late to the party! But totally get your point, I'm not obsessed with him anymore, but I do smile whenever I think of him :)
I share your thoughts Nat. I feel like our best kept secret will no longer be just ours, and once the Hobbit comes out, watch out ladies of the world, and move over Clooney, there's a new Bachelor in town, LOL!
This is great therapy!!!
I have had crushes before on famous men but nothing like this with Richard Armitage. It is all John Thornton's fault too...LOL That is who did it for me. That is the first role I ever saw RA in. Prior to that I never heard of Richard Armitage before January 2012. I don't think I would have formed a crush on RA if I had seen Guy of Gisborne or Lucas North first. I love the character of John Thornton and RA became John Thornton.
John Thornton is even more endearing if you read the book, which I did after streaming the miniseries on Netflix. What woman would not want to be loved like that? I also listened to the audio version. The audio version will make you melt for Mr. Thornton. There is some dialog in the book that was not included in the movie. If it was we would have fallen 10 times more in love with RA. Of course RA is handsome and sexy as all heck no matter what, but in truth, at least for me, when I see RA I also see John Thornton. I don't see Gizzy, or his character in Strike Back, Cold Feet, etc. Maybe a little bit of Lucas North and even some of John Standring, but John Thornton is who I really want to be my main squeeze. I just want him to look like RA too. There is just something about a man in a suit and cravat who a serious business man, responsible and respectable, but deep down he is capable of such deep, lasting and passionate love, while looking sexy as heck at the same time. And that VOICE...OMG! John Thornton-Richard Armitage represents the perfect man for many women.
RA was sexy as all get out as Lucas North and that is the only reason I watched Spooks. Those type of shows are not by thing (too violent). Neither really is Robin Hood. I won't watch Strike Back even though RA is in it and looks striking handsome in it. I had to draw the line someplace. I hope that RA will pick more roles in the future that are not laden with so much violence. He needs to play Mr. Darcy in a P&P remake or get himself a role on Downtown Abbey.
I only became possessive of RA once on one of my Pinterest boards. I won't get into the details, but it was the silliest thing and I kept it to myself. But I thought to myself at the time that woman has some nerve. Who does she think she is? I came up with the name first and so it is mine. How dare she copy me. I had to talk myself down off that ledge...LOL Isn't it silly how we can think we own someone that we don't even know?...hee hee haa haa
As fellow swoon mates of Richard Armitagae thanks for listening and for your understanding. My crush of RA is lessening, but I use him and John Thornton as examples on my vision board as what I want the Universe to send me in the form of a husband. There is no harm in that.
I was an RA fan a few years back during his Robin Hood days. Then life happened and I sort of got distracted. I know, I'm bad!
Then a few months ago, I downloaded a free Nook book called LADY GISBORNE by Charlotte Hawkins. And reading through the beginning, I realized this was a fan fiction book that continued the story of GISBORNE!!! And there was a prequel book to that one that was called THE TEMPEST!!! I quickly downloaded that one and read it through first and went back to finish off the second. And now I am back again as an RA fan. I even just watched N&S again last night after having only watched it once before years ago!
I am spending my day at work looking up everything and anything about the TDHCMO. Swoon!!!
I use to be a fan of Gerard Butler too until he became overly popular because of 300 and the media portrayed him as a cad. Hopefully RA is nothing like that.
Now I'm just rambling. BAH!
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