What sets Heather's artwork apart from others is that it's very edgy.
The vivid colors... the sexy photoshopping... wow!!!
The vivid colors... the sexy photoshopping... wow!!!
I've already shown a bit of Heather's work before
but I couldn't do a graphics week and not include one of my favorite Richard Armitage artists!
Besides, I have more great Heathra items to share! *Bounces and claps hands with excitement.*
but I couldn't do a graphics week and not include one of my favorite Richard Armitage artists!
Besides, I have more great Heathra items to share! *Bounces and claps hands with excitement.*
If you want more than just a glimpse at Heather's work,
you can visit Heathra's Productions site HERE.
(Be prepared to spend a lot of time at your computer swooning.)
Reminder: please credit Heathra when using her art and be sure
to ask permission before publishing it anywhere on the net.
to ask permission before publishing it anywhere on the net.
Heathra's Icons:
The 2 Gisborne icons are hilarious! (I could comment on each one, but will refrain.)
Heathra's Signatures:
I absolutely LOVE Heathra's sigs!!!
Remember those steamy manips on "Hanky Panky Week?"
Well, she has some sizzlin' hot sigs too, including one called "Sherwood Shag."
Heathra's Wallpaper:
Again, let me remind you that I'm only posting a few of my favorites.
Be sure to visit her site to see all of her jaw-dropping designs!
Cool story involving a Heathra design and Richard Armitage:
A while ago, Heather and some friends from the C19 forum, Jancis and Manda, wanted to send RA some t-shirts since he had been talking about how hot the summers were in Budapest while filming Robin Hood. Jancis had an idea that one of them look like a rock band t-shirt you'd buy at a concert and came up with "The Havoc Tour" concept and wording. Heather designed it and sent the files to Jancis.

Heather said, "Once everyone heard the interviews they wanted to buy something with the design on it! So, I combined both the front and back design of the shirt to one side and Manda and I set up cafepress [where people could buy Havoc Tour merchandise] and all the proceeds went to a children's charity in the UK Richard had mentioned before. Barnados was the charity." So thanks to a group effort, along with Heather's fabulous design, they were able to raise about $1,500 in those 3 months for charity... plus get a nod from The Rarmitage himself! Hip hip hooray!

By the way, Heather is waiting for Spooks 8 to air before completing "Sexy Back 3."
She's an amazing "vidder" and you can check out all of her YouTube creations HERE.
(What is up with all of these multi-talented artists!? Gee whiz.)
Heather, I love your work & you totally kick butt.
Keep doing what you do. A million thanks for sharing!
Heather's work is lovely and it is hard pressed to find a rival to her video editing skills. I cannot wait to see what she comes up with on that score now she has a mac. There will be no stopping her, lol.
Like you, I love Heather's work. She manages to get so much into each design.
Heather is great, excellent. I love everything she daoes (especially her videos). I heard Richard talking about the Havoc tour T-shirt but didn't know all the rest. Good job, Heather.
I am using that last wallpaper right now on my computer! tis yummy. she has some awesome graphics skills. i am jealous!!!!!!
I had heard about the t-shirt but had never seen it till today. I think it looks great and no wonder Richard got a kick out of it.
Also its lovely that these T-shirts were sold and money raised for charity.
Your work is great Heather...keep it up.
When i found out about the havoc tour i looked everywhere to see if i could get one! It's one of the coolest things i've ever heard of. I'd have settled for a mug, but it'd be kept in mint condition. No coffee stains there.
Ohmygosh, Heather did all that work without a Mac?! Wow. Seriously, what a hassle to use an IBM compatible. I commend you, Heather.
What I like about Heather's work is that it's clever. That's the word I always think of when I see it and apparently so did RA.
As for "Her Highness," maybe I'll adopt that way of thinking of her. So far I've thought of her as the Big Kahuna. :D
I hadn't heard the story hehind the t-shirts (and the other charity items before).
I had read him mention a t-shirt in a letter about great gifts that he had received. It's so nice to read the background story behind it. Thanks for sharing Nat and Heather. Is there a photo posted anywhere?
If these items have been discontinued...could we see what the t-shirts look like?
I love Heathers videos...I've shared a few on my Facebook page - great work all around, Heather.
***two thumbs (way up)****
It was one of Heather's fan vids that introduced me to Richard Armitage. My daughter sent me one of her P&P videos (You're Still You), and there was an RA video listed on the sidebar. The rest is history. Thank you, Heather. :D
Wonder how many others were introduced this way. I'll bet it's a chunk.
Bzirk that sounds like a new Topic(which Nat could put up).
How did you first become RARMitaged? (Hope you didn't mind me borrowing your wording for him Lol).
Those are just beautiful. I love the Thornton and Lucas ones. Actually I love them all.
Those two Guy ones do bring a certain word or image to miind... teehee... but they'll have to stay there. :-)
I have two Havoc Tour coffee mugs - one for work and one for home. They've generated a number of comments - and some new fans because of course I have to loan out my "extra" copy of North and South and direct them to Robin Hood.
Heather's works is just wonderful.
What a sweet story, R.A has some really dedicated fans.
Thank you so much Nat for featuring my artwork and thank you everyone for all the lovely comments! I love to hear that people became aware of RA through some of my stuff. Makes me very happy I made them in the first place! ;-) Thank you, thank you, thank you! ;-)
As for "The Havoc Tour' the items were available on cafepress, but we didn't sell any t-shirts because we wanted RA's to be unique. We sold other items like mugs, journals, posters, postcards, and mousepads! ;-)
Also LOL at "Her Highness, Heathra" title ha ha ha that made me chuckle and blush!!
I've lost count of the people I've shown your videos who are now fans of RA, and obviously, I'm just one person. :D
"RARMitaged" Hmmm. I gotta think about that one. LOL!
Credit where it is due.... Heather your work has always been a joy to see and watch. I love your creativity. I am so delighted that the Havoc Tour T-Shirt went down so well *squeeees very loudly*
Like Spikesbint said, I can't wait to see what you do with your mac!!!
Thanks for the radio interview link. I've just enjoyed listening to those chocolate tones of his.
I hadn't heard the story of the Havoc Tour either - inspired idea! Thanks for posting!!
Seems to me Heather could raise some more funds for charity with another round of these shirts!!
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