Those of you who are in All Armitage All the Time mode~
please excuse this brief tangent, which I must get out of my system.
I have a celebrity hottie list...
or in other words, there are a cluster of talented men who
make me swoon. (I believe "swoon" is one of my favorite words...
I wonder how many times I've used it on this blog?)
make me swoon. (I believe "swoon" is one of my favorite words...
I wonder how many times I've used it on this blog?)
Nearly all of them are from the UK
and have appeared in at least one period film.
Some of them include Colin Firth, Matthew MacFadyen
(love the Darcies) and Toby Stephens (Rochester!)
among others.
Some of them include Colin Firth, Matthew MacFadyen
(love the Darcies) and Toby Stephens (Rochester!)
among others.
My husband joked,
"All a movie needs is a guy with an English accent and you'll love it."
I had a good laugh at that... because he was partially right. :)
(Although he left out great acting and romance.)
Another British chap was recently added to the list:
Mr. Alfie Boe.
Mr. Alfie Boe.
That guy can sing the socks off of...
anyone wearing socks!
I'm sure most of you from the UK have heard of him,
but he isn't as well known in the states... which will probably change soon.

Now I'd like to know,
I first saw/heard Alfie as Jean Val Jean in "Les Miserables" 25th Anniversary special on PBS.
At first, I merely thought, "Wow... that guy can SING!" and by
the end of the program, I was swooning.
the end of the program, I was swooning.
Click HERE for my favorite medley.
I don't mean to offend Alfie or his fans, but I wasn't instantly attracted to Mr. Boe. It's not
like he appeared on screen with the piercing stare of hotness while cotton fluff flew around him.
like he appeared on screen with the piercing stare of hotness while cotton fluff flew around him.

He seemed pretty ordinary-looking at first, and then I heard him
sing and saw him wearing a cravat (we all know the power of a cravat!)
and he was suddenly very gush-worthy.
Then, when I saw a series of YT vids with him "warbling" in a friend's
kitchen and joking around with a big grin on his face... I officially had a crush.
The admiration grew when I found out he married a Utah girl and has a 2nd home here!
So there's a possibility I could stalk see him perform live in the future! :)
Before I wrap up what may seem like a strange tangent post,
here are a few similarities between Richard and Alfie:
here are a few similarities between Richard and Alfie:
Both have a very loyal fan base.
Richard's legions are called The Armitage Army
and Alfie's minions are called Alfie's Arrows.
Get it? Like Boe (Bow) and Arrow! :)
Both look awesome in a beard.
I know some of you didn't care for Richard's beard, but I thought it was handsome!
Alfie's beard has its own twitter account.
Both can rock a cravat... or the lack thereof.
I'm too sexy for my cravat, too sexy for my cravat, so sexy it hurts!
Both have a bald, hilarious sidekick.
Richard's is Keith Allen, of course. (Weren't they such a great duo in Robin Hood?)
Alfie's is Matt Lucas, who played Thenardier in Les Miz and now they're good buds.
Both wear their collars up, while gazing
into the camera lens with a "Hey, baby!" look.
Now I'd like to know,
who is on YOUR celebrity hottie list?
Update ~
Charleybrown has posted some Alfie love
on her blog (Enchanted Serenity of Period Films)
in the past, so check it out HERE.
Update ~
Charleybrown has posted some Alfie love
on her blog (Enchanted Serenity of Period Films)
in the past, so check it out HERE.
Ooh. He is very attractive! heheheh.
I've got a crush on Gerard Butler, apart from RA. His accent is just so darn cute.
Wow! That was a wonderfully informal version of Nessum Dorma! You are right about the comparisons, English accents, cravats but with that VOICE, he is definitely swoonable! Good luck stalking / finding him in Utah! :) Thanks for the introduction.
I used to swoon for Pierce Brosnan until I heard him attempt to sing in Mamma Mia (poor Pierce!).
Oh Nat! You really sounded British when you said "chap," LOL!
Yes, I think we've talked about this before, but honey, there is something definitely about that accent *swoon* (to borrow one of your favorite words, you know swoonworthy is a swoonworthy word I think, hee! hee!)
I must admit, I've never heard of this Alfie character, but hey, if you say he's swoonworthy, I trust ya!
I do find it interesting that these British leading men have serious fans. I think Jonas Armstrong has some fans labeled "Armstrong's angels" and Johnny Lee Miller has a loyal fanbase too I think. Do any Americans have such a following?
I'm not talking about the big Hollywood stars who are stalked by tabloids, but you know, stars that are low key but somehow have managed to get such a following.
As far as who do I like, yeah, there is something about Matthew M and colin Firth, and I've become a Rupert PJ fan too, and after his performance in Emma, I think there is something about Johhny LM too :) Geez! My list keeps getting longer, (and so does this comment of mine, so time to sign off!)
ooh Phylly2, how could I have forgotten? I adore Pierce Brosnan, my fave Bond. I've loved him since Remmington Steele *thud*
I tend to favor British lads too, Nat! Although lately I've developed a bit of crush on German actor Gedeon Burkhard, who plays 'Alex Brandtner' in the naff Austrian drama Inspector Rex.
Ooh wow, he certainly is not ugly! Will have to check him out in further detail when I get home from work.
Who's on my list? Uh ... far too many? ;)
Wait. There are other actors besides RA?
Hola. I'm sorry, but ... after discovering Mr. Armitage, is very difficult for me that someone else has my attention. Although I must admit that I still carry in my heart to Colin Firth, the only Mr. Darcy. Not, only RA is the only one going to the front ♥. Besos from Argentina.
Woohoo, yay for some Alfie Boe love! :)
Holy cow! You're absolutely right. This guy can SING!! Lots of power and control when he was messing around. Never heard of him til now, so thanks, Nat.
Everytime I watch P&P or N&S or Emma...Hubs waltzes thru and throws out his famous, but goofy, quote at me, "Ah hahd ah fahhhm in Ahfreecah". Don't ask me why, but he equates any period romance with "Out of Africa". His strange and somewhat warped mind still mystifies me after 40 years!
Add Clive Owen to that list, por favor? +0)
Go on a tangent anytime. :D
And yeah, that guy can sing!
Ah Nat, I have to agree with your choices and I was blown away by Alfie at the 25th performance. I just hope that he gets cast for the film!
Wow this is a great post Nat. By all means okay to go off on a tangent. Nice that Alfie [What's it all about Alfie, LOL] is married to an American. Yes we American girls love Brit men. I think Richard is hot of course. Also I think Bradley Cooper is hot. If you notice he kind of has a big nose like Richard. Okay not Brit accent but he can speak fluent French. Google it. It's hot. Great post and responses. :):):)
Wow! Love that vid with Alfie and Matt! Yes he is cute!!
Thanks for posting.
Hmmm...other crushes....I just seem to like great actors! For example:
Sean Bean
John Simm
David Morrisey
Daniel Craig
I could go on...
Great post Nat:)
@NovemberBride-my husband says"aaa
again that DUPA I WYPRZEDZENIE-this is in Polish:).Polish tytule
J. Austen book is DUMA I UPRZEDZENIE-sounds similar but ..:)
He is so stupid:):):)
Hi Nat,
1st saw the Les Mis 25th show when PBS re-aired it in March. It was the 1st time I've ever seen Alfie. His voice is amazing! I was immediately taken though by Ramin Karimloo(who played Enjolras). I follow him on twitter now- pretty nice guy. My favorite part was the "One Day More" encore at the end w/the mix of old and new cast- have watched that encore no less than 20 times since March!
Anyway, I have a very short swoon list: Colin Firth, Richard Armitage, & David Oakes. It's difficult for one to get on my list-hahaha. If I like someone, he is for sure going to be British- always! What is so attractive about the Brits(besides their obvious looks, talent, and accents)is that in general, they are super nice people in real life. IMO, many American actors are just arrogant(obviously not all). Colin was my one and only(when 1st saw P&P in 2003) until I discovered Richard in 2007, then I completely forgot about CF. Haven't seen Colin Firth in anything in a while(just not paying attention- not a movie goer), but rented The King's Speech last month and completely fell in love with Colin all over again. Richard has been my obsession constant though(just wish he was on screen more). Of course, I do have my oldies swoon list which includes Laurence Olivier, John Castle(The Lion in Winter, Man of La Mancha- was shocked when he showed up a few yrs ago as Ros's father in Spooks), Peter O'Toole, and Richard Burton. People who are RA obsessed seem to have great taste in all their "others" too- hahaha.
Believe it or not, Les Miz is on RIGHT NOW!!! The 25th production with Alfie!!! Our 2 PBS stations are both airing it right to drool!
PS Saw the midwest production about 6 years ago. WOW!!
It's official. I'm an Alfie Arrow. Oh my gosh, what a performance and not just by him..the whole cast!
There's going to be a movie?!! I suppose that'll be way off in the future like TH? I could be senile by then. When the 4 Valjeans sang together...well, I was breatheless!!!
I told hubs, who was dozing thru the last(he loves Les Miz, but his 5am-8pm day got the best of him!) that we are going to London so I can see this in person. Thanks Nat for yet another obsession. I think. I really didn't need another one!! :)
Nat! Just flipping thru' the Sunday Mail supplement (the You magazine) and who should be in it but Alfie Boe!
An interview in a taxi.
Here's the link:
I saw the Les Miz special on PBS. Really great. PBS has good stuff in general. Just wish they would run spooks. Some PBS stations do, but not mine. Oh well. :)
Well heck, Violet...PBS won't even run N&S? Would someone explain that to me?!
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